Political Invasions
Religious Invasions
Religious Consequences and Literature
General Viewpoints of the Time Period

The indigenous peoples of England

What are the Celts?

This man is credited for converting the Celtic pagans in Ireland to Christianity.

Who is St. Patrick?


From this language, English borrowed the words for apostle, altar, bishop, priest, monk, disciple, and shrine; also the language of scholarship and diplomacy during the Medieval period.

What is Church or Ecclesiastical Latin?


Since 1534, this person, rather than the pope, has been the head of the English church (except during the reign of Mary I)

Who is the monarch?


The viewpoint that the Medieval Era was a dark interlude between the enlightened eras of classical Rome and the Renaissance; beholders of this viewpoint call the Medieval Era the "Dark Ages".

What is the rationalist view?


The first invaders of England; the Celtic peoples learned to rely on these invaders for military support; ruins of their villas and public baths remain in England.

What are the Romans?

The century that Christianity was first introduced to England.

What is the first century?


During the Medieval period, this language became associated with political rule and aristocratic living.

What is French?


England is religiously divided into administrative districts called these, each ruled by a bishop.

What is a diocese?


The romanticized viewpoint that man and society were at their best during the Medieval Era; that “human existence was uncomplicated, natural, joyous, focused on basic needs."

What is the primitivist viewpoint?


Responsible for the second political invasion of England, these tribes came, not just for military adventure, but to settle in the area as permanent residents; these invaders forced the indigenous peoples of England to flee to Scotland, Ireland, Brittany in France, Wales, and Cornwall.

What are the Germanic tribes (including the Angles and the Saxons)?


The religion that replaced Celtic Catholicism in England after the Angles and Saxons conquered the area.

What is Norse mythology (or Scandinavian paganism)?


Though at the time of the Germanic invasions the Germanic dialects were close enough to be mutually understood (even centuries later), this produced a separation in language.

What is geographical separation?


Because it was oral for so long, Old English literature uses these devices that are for public recitation.

What are devices of repetition?


The historical time periods before and after the Medieval Era.

What is the Fall of Rome (Age of Antiquity) and the Renaissance?


This monarch, who ruled from 871-899 A.D., stopped the advance of the Danes and forced them into a peace treaty known as the Treaty of Wedmore (878).

Who is King Alfred the Great?


This group was upset that Saxon bishops were chosen by the pope to have jurisdiction in England instead of their bishops.

What are the Celtic/Gaelic Catholics?


English noun and adjectives have lost their systems of case endings called these, and now word order determines grammatical function.

What are declensions?


Though originally the work of these people, Catholic monks who knew their native German lore well were likely the ones to these ancient stories into writing.

Who are the scops?


The reason why the rationalist viewpoint is incorrect and one example demonstrating its inaccuracy.

What is because the Medieval era was not unenlightened or "dark" in secular learning or religious understanding (examples could include that classical learning was preserved in monasteries or that there was development in philosophical thought)?


These invaders conquered England in 1066; they introduced new nobility and strongly centralized the feudal administration; after they conquered, political change came gradually from within.

What are the Normans?


In 664, Oswy, a Saxon king of Northumbria, called this meeting to decide whether or not the Church in England would follow Celtic or Saxon/Roman practices.

What is the Synod of Whitby?


Before Latin was introduced to the Angles and the Saxons, they recorded their language using these.

What are runes?


Though Old English poetry was somber because life was hard and risky, it did utilize these two literary devices for humor.

What are the literary devices of irony and riddles?


The reason why the primitivist viewpoint is incorrect and one example demonstrating its inaccuracy.

What is because life was toilsome, tedious, and insecure (examples include life expectancy being so short, social unrest, war, famine, disease, exploitation of greedy nobles and clergy)?