The god of thunder
where did the old Norse come from
how did the old Norse travel to the rest of the world
on foot or by boat
where would fallen soldiers go if they die in battle
valhalla or Fólkvangr
God (king) of mischief
what do the Norse believe brought them to existents
Ymir, the frost giant, who was later killed by the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve, and whose body was used to create the world.
the old Norse did what to people in there way
berned there village and the killed them with fire
what pulls Thor's chariot
A goat
the all father
what made man
a fallen ash tree,
who did the old norse vikings fight the most
The Vikings primarily targeted Ireland
that all gods have a weapon, which is the source of their power
no, their power is with them from borth, their weapons just amplify their power
god of knowledge and wisdom
the name for a half human half god
a demigod
what are the old Norse people called
North Germanic or Christianization of Scandinavia
who is the strongest of the Norse gods
god of site and gatekeeper of asgard
the year that this religion introduced to these people
what would the old norse people eat in faith of their gods
they would eat goats or poisonous mushrooms in the belief that those that don't die become stronger
did the old Norse sacrifice squirrels