Old School Candy
Past Presidents
Old School Sitcoms
Forever Foods
Legendary Games
Meant to be eaten at the present or futrure
What is Now & Laters
Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Madison have their faces engraved at the peak of Mt. Rushmore
What is are the Founding Fathers
A family of five who lived in the ghetto of Chicago where one child was a starving artist.
What is Good Times
Saucy ground beef eaten with hamburger buns.
What is Sloppy Joe
You are recommended to buy or rent property. A fee is assessed if you trespass on owned property. If you are a real estate investor, you can buy property from someone that is going bankrupt.
What is Monopoly
Candy that is hard to figure out it's name
What is Whatchama Call It
He was impeached for the Watergate Scandal
Who is Richard Nixon.
A dish used with ground beef, lettuce, tomatoes and cheese on a flat, round taco shell.
What is a tostada
This is a game of lessons and consequences. The more good deeds you do the faster you will climb, however, bad choices will cause you to fall
What is Chutes and Ladders
Small, malted, round and covered in chocolate. It's name is like a hamburger.
What is Whoppers
He held office for three years as the Democratic Senate for Illinois and later became the 44th President.
Who is Barack Obama
Made with chicken, sausage, crab and okra. Can be made with a brown or red reaux.
What is gumbo
You are given a colored peg and a car. When you spin, you will decide if you will go to college or start your career.
What is Life
Colorful and chewy. It's name is a ryhme
What is Ike & Mike
I am known for saying, "I didn't smoke marijuana, I only inhaled."
Who is Bill Clinton
Three cowboys raised by their dad of which one of the son's name was "Horse".
What is Bonanza.
There are 64 squares on the board with alternating colors. Each player gets one king and two bishops.
What is Chess
Once entered the mouth, there is an explosion of fireworks
What is Pop Rocks
I was an actor in many movies before becoming the president of the U.S.
Who is Ronald Regan
A submissive wife, racist husband, free spirited daughter and a conservative son-in-law that all lived together in Queens, New York.
What is All in the Family
Canned processed sausage that is made of pork and beef.
What is Vienna sausage
A surgical game that requires the use of tweezers to enter the anatomy.
What is Operation