the first woman created
who was Eve
the scripture book with the most uses of the word jeopardy
what is the old testament
the number of children that joseph's father, Jacob, had.
what is 12 kids
the book we are studying this year in come follow me
what is the old testament
A pancake with abs
what is a waffle
abram's wife who bore the children of the Lord's great nation
who was Sarah
the two books with no jeopardy mention
what is the book of mormon, and pearl of great price
the name of josephs brother whom he shared a mother and a father with
who was benjamin
the lesson ella and kyrie taught
what is "how can we remain true to the Savior in a wicked world"
the scripture reference to our theme this year
what is proverbs 3: 5-6
the women who gave water to 10 camels and agreed to marry a man who she had never met
who was Rebekah
and he said, be it far from me, O Lord, that I should do this: is not this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives?
what is 2 Samuel 23:17
the number of wives that jacob (joseph's father) had
what is two
the lesson ali and mary taught
why is eternal marriage important
the song ali and mary played at their lesson about marriage
what is the doctrinal mastery song about D&C 131
the two wives of Jacob who gave birth to collectively nine children
who were Rachel and Leah
and said, my God forbid it me, that I should do this thing: shall I drink the blood of these men that have put their lives in jeopardy? for with the jeopardy of their lives they bought it.
what is 1 Chronicles 11: 19
the name of josephs sister
who was dinah
the book and chapter zanna taught on
what is moses 7
the number of young women we have (active and inactive)
what is 23
the only recorded women in the scriptures to hold the titles of prophetess, judge, and deliverer
who was Deborah
he will fall to fall to his master Saul to the jeopardy of our heads
what is 1 Chronicles 12: 19
The name of five of joseph's siblings
who is reuben, simeon, levi, judah, dan, naphtali, gad, asher, issachar, zebulun, benjamin, dinah
the last lesson of 2022
what is "am I putting the things of God first in my life"
(ill give you double points if you name the couples)
what is four couples (cameron and lauren, barnett and amber, danielle and nick, jared and iyanna)