Who was the first king of Isreal?
How many days and nights did the flood last?
40 Days and 40 Nights.
What is one animal used for Sacrifices?
Sheep, goats, bulls, pigeons, rams.
What did David use to kill Goliath?
A slingshot and a rock
What Samsons weakness?
Cutting his hair.
What Parent Favored Jacob?
How old was Josiah when he became king?
8 years old
What was in the den with Daniel?
What was Moses placed in as a baby when thrown into the river?
A basket.
What was Esther’s position?
She was the Queen
Who guided the Israelites into the promised land?
How many children did Jacob have?
12 children
What animal swallowed Jonah?
A big fish.
What did Gideon use to ask God for signs?
A fleece.
She was a Judge
Who was David’s Best friend?
How many times the Israelites circled around Jericho before the walls fell down?
7 times
What animals did David kill?
A Lion and a bear.
What did Elisha catch when Elijah was taken to heaven?
His Cloak (or mantle)
What are 4 of the who plagues of Egypt.
Blood. Frogs. Lice. Flies. Disease on Livestock. Boils (skin disease). Hail. Locust. Darkness. Death of firstborns.
Hannah and Peninnah.
How many timed did Naaman dip himself in the river?
7 times
A ram (or lamb).
What did Joseph place in Benjamin’s bag to get him arrested?
What are the 10 commandments?
1. Love God Only. 2. Don’t have idols. 3. Don’t use God’s name in vain. 4. Honor the sabbath. 5. Honor your mother and father. 6. Don’t kill. 7. Respect Marriage. 8. Do not steal. 9. Always tell the truth. 10. Do not covet.