
Read Judges 11:30-31. What was Jephthah’s terrible vow, and why did he make it?

He promised to give the Lord a burnt offering of whatever steps out of his house.

  1. What was unique about Samson being brought up as a judge?

  2. Why did Samson want to marry a Timnite, a woman he was not supposed to marry?

1. Israel didn’t ask to be delivered but God brought up Samson anyways.

2. Because the Lord wanted to confront the Phillistines.



Explain the custom of the kinsman-redeemer.

A close relative of the deceased who married the widow if she had no sons. The widow would be provided for so the deceased name would continue and the wealth of the family could stay forever


What was Hannah’s vow?

That Lord will give her a son.


How did Israel’s praying change during the time of Samuel?

They shifted from asking God to deliver them alone to asking for a king.


What happened after Jephthah’s battle?

His daughter stepped out of his house giving praise. And would sacrifice her.


Name a rule that Samson breaks as a Nazarite?

Touch a dead carcass, got drunk, committed adultery, tricked into having his head shaved.

  1. What does Ruth tell Naomi after Naomi told her to go back to Moab? 1:16

  2. List at least two acts of kindness that Boaz showed to Ruth.

1. Where you go I will go. Your people will be my people and your God will be my God.

2. He offers Ruth protection, allows her to glean his field, provides water, provides food.



What evidence can you see that Hannah was not being selfish in her request for a child?

She offered the child to the Lord. She responds with joy to the Lord.


Explain why God was angry with Israel’s demand for a King.

It isn’t wrong to have a king but Israel had the wrong motivation for one.


Why should you understand that Jephthah actually did sacrifice his daughter?

Because it shows how bad each judge got.


How is Samson a mirror or illustration of the nation of Israel?

Samson sinned just like Israel. They both had rules but they broke them. God is still faithful to them.


List the two acts of kindness Ruth showed.

  1. She goes with Naomi.

  2. She marries Boaz

  3. 2x


What in Hannah’s prayer suggests that she’s predicting the future?

She speaks of the anointed king, she says the Lord will judge the earth.


Summarize the comfort and the warning in Samuel’s final speech to the nation.

God has plans for His covenant people


Summarize two broad principles from Jephthah’s story.

  1. Even when God’s people sin horribly, the Lord is merciful and delivers them.

  2. we need delieverance from something inside us.

  3. 2x


What was the first event that started this whole chain of events in Samson’s life? (*Why did God call Samson to help Israel?)

The Lord sought an occasion against the Phillistines.


What makes Ruth’s faith significant in the Book of Ruth?

Even though she was a gentile she showed more faith than the Jews at the time.

  1. What would Hannah’s son do in the future?

  2. What does Hannah’s prayer hint at about the coming story of David?

1. Her son was going to anoint King David.

2. There will be a tall, proud people who oppose the Lord and David will defeat them, not by his own power but through the Lord.



Why is the warning foreboding, and why is the comfort assuring?

Israel’s track record isn’t good showing they will be judged but God will come and make things right in the end.


The judge who killed his daughter

Who is Jephthah


The judge who broke the Nazarite rules

Who is Samson


1. She had great faith for a gentile

2. Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer

3. Ruth’s mother-in-law

1. Ruth

2. Boaz

3. Naomi


First person in recorded history to say Messiah

Who is Hannah


1. Serves as a transition between judges and kings

2. A priest and a terrible leader.

1. Samuel

2. Eli