5.6 & 5.7
5.7 and 5.8

What did Saul do that really convinced the people to make him king? (1 Sam. 11:14-15)

Saul led an attack, Helped Israel in victory, gave God the credit for the battle.


How would you connect the story of David and Goliath to the whole story of the Bible?

David is a part of the promised line and God would redeem the world through Abraham’s line.

  1. How is David able to ascend to the throne?

  2. Why did David grow in his greatness as a king?

1. Saul’s death in battle to which David was not a part of.

2. The Lord was with him and established his kingdom.


  1. How did David respond to his sin?

  2. What does David ask the Lord to give him Psalm 51?

1. He admitted his sin was an offense towards God.

2. A clean heart



Describe the tension in the book of Kings. Why is there this tension?

A tension between God’s promises and God’s warnings about the consequences of sin.


Describe briefly what Saul did to the Amalekites- and what he failed to do.

Killed almost all the Amalekites- but spared their king and took their livestock.


What do you think the biggest problem with this telling of the story of David is?

It leaves out God, We can make David seem like the hero over God

  1. What was one of David’s first acts as king that proved that he was a king after God’s own heart?

  2. Even though David had good intentions, what did he neglect to do in retrieving the ark?

1. Getting back the ark of the covenant.

2. Seeking out God Himself.


  1. How did God respond to David?

  2. At the end of David’s life what do we see? Was he the permanent solution for Israel?

1. In forgiveness

2. He remained faithful for the rest of his days. No, he was not the permanent solution.



How did Rehoboam’s lack of discernment threaten God’s promises?

He split the kingdom resulting in the tribes following bad leaders.


Why didn’t God just pick David and skip over Saul?

To show Israel what He valued in a leader was different from what they wanted in a king.


1. What part does David play in the big story of the Bible?

2. What is the point of the story of David?

1. King of Israel. God used David to preserve His people in the land.

2. The Lord’s power to save.



Compare and contrast the responses of Saul and David when they are confronted for their sins.

Saul persisted in sinful disobedience, failed to repent and fear god. David may have been angry at first but repented and feared the Lord and sought to please Him.

  1. When Solomon comes to the throne, what indications do we have that he is headed in the right direction? 1 Kings 3:9

  2. What did Solomon’s prayer mainly focus on?

1. That he loved the Lord and sought after wisdom from Him.

2. Asking God to forgive Israel and their future sins



Describe how Jeroboam became king.

When Rehoboam was chased out of Israel, the nation sought after Jeroboam to be their king.


1. Why won’t Saul’s kingdom continue?

2. What kind of king was God looking for to replace Saul?

1. His disobedience.

2. A king seeking after God’s own heart.


  1. What’s wrong with allegorizing, spiritualizing, or moralizing the stories of scripture- like the story of David and Goliath?

  2. What event is the best New Testament comparison to the David and Goliath story?

1. It takes God out of the Story. You can miss the point of the story, it can lose its meaning, and you can make stuff up.

2. When Jesus Christ died on the cross to defeat sin and death.


  1. What qualified David as king over Saul?

  2. How was David not a perfect king?

1. he was from the tribe of Judah, the one that Jacob predicted would rule over the other tribes.

2. He had many wives, recklessness, adultery, and murder


  1. What did Solomon give into?

  2. What consequence was brought by Solomon’s sin (1 Kings 11:1-43)

1. Idolatry, pleasure of wealth, worshipping other gods

2. Enemies of the Lord came after Israel.



What did Jeroboam fail to do and what happened to Israel because of this action?

He failed to trust God, the nation was led astray and went into idolatry.


The King Israel wanted

Saul’s son and David’s friend.

Who is Saul

Who is Jonathan


David’s father and Ruth’s grandson

David- The anointed King of God’s people

Goliath- A Philistine who opposed the Lord

Who is Jesse

WHo is David

Who is Goliath


A Philistine king of Gath

Died after touching the ark of the covenant

Who is Achish

Who is Uzzah


David’s son who sought wisdom from God.

Who is Solomon


Solomon’s son who would rule the southern tribes

Became king of the northern tribes.

Who is Rehoboam

Who is Jeroboam