In which book is the person named Balaam?
Put the four major events of Genesis 1-11 in order.
1. Creation, 2. Fall, 3. Flood, 4. Babel
How many friends counseled with Job throughout his book?
Who were the first three kings of the nation of Israel, who served over the united kingdom?
1. Saul, 2. David, 3. Solomon
Solomon wrote a book of dark wisdom. Spell its name.
Name five of the ten plagues God sent upon Egypt through Moses.
1. Water to blood, 2. Frogs, 3. Gnats, 4. Flies, 5. Death of livestock, 6. Boils, 7. Hail, 8. Locusts, 9. Darkness, 10. Death of Firstborn
What were the first two battles of the nation of Israel, once they had crossed the Jordan into the promised land under Joshua?
1. Jericho, 2. Ai
Name two of the animals that God questions Job about in His answer to Job.
Job 38-41
Name three out of four of the friends who spoke to Job.
1. Eliphaz, 2. Bildad, 3. Zophar, 4. Elihu
Spell the fifth book of the Bible
Name seven of the ten commandments.
Which evil nation did Gideon fight against?
As a group, quote Psalm 23
In any version
Rehoboam in Judah
Jeroboam in Israel
Abram met the King of Salem. Spell his name.
What vow could someone make to become holy, which would cause him/her to abstain from alcohol and not cut his/her hair?
Which enemy of Israel stole the Ark of the Covenant before the nation had kings?
What is Proverbs 8 about?
List the genealogy from Boaz to David.
Boaz, Obed, Jesse, David
Jonathan had a crippled son, and David took him into his household. Spell his name.
Name the seven feasts prescribed by the Lord in Leviticus.
1. Unleavened Bread, 2. Passover, 3. First Fruits, 4. Weeks, 5. Trumpets, 6. Day of Atonement, 7. Booths
Elisha helped one of the sons of the prophets by making what float in the Jordan river?
Axe head
List at least five attributes of time, for which there is an occasion for everything in Ecclesiastes 3.
Ecclesiastes 3:2-8
Name three of the good kings of the nation of Judah
Asa, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah, Josiah, Uzziah (Azariah), Jotham