Bible Champions 1
Bible Champions 2
Bits & Bites
How many books are in the Old and New Testament?
Old Testament 39 New Testament 27
I did what was right, I lived till I was 365 years old then I lived eternally with God.
Enoch Genesis 5:21-24
I had a lot of faith in God when He told me to leave home. I did not know where He was going to take me. I lived until 175 years old, and God gave me a promise. After a long long time (after my death) God gave me the Ultimate Gift of all!
Abraham Promise to be the father of nations Ultimate Gift: Jesus
Where did the Israelites worship God during the 40 years in the dessert?
What city did Abraham and Sarah live in before God called them?
The city of Ur
What is known as the "little Bible"?
The book of Isaiah
I lived until I was 950 years old and I took on a carpentry project that took 120 years. If I lived in modern times, the animal shelter would see me as a champion.
Who built the ark? Noah Noah...
I led the biggest escape in history. I am the prince who turned into a shepherd. I am told I have a temper that gets me in trouble.
Moses Prince of Egypt, shepherd of sheep and God's people Temper Tantrum Moments: Killing the Egyptian, hitting the rock too many times, breaking the first set of 10 Commandments
What mountain did Noah's Ark settle on and what happened there?
Mount Ararat (present day Turkey)
Who was considered very wise, very rich, and completed many projects?
King Solomon
Which book in the Bible (that we studied) is the only book in the Bible that does not mention "God" at all?
I grew up as a slave, yet I was chosen to be the assistant of a great leader. Eventually, I became a leader who can defeat my enemy just by walking around them.
Joshua Slave in Egypt Defeated city of Jericho
I am a multi-talented person with many roles. I can see the future and predict things to come. I am known as a singer and song writer, and I was chosen as one of the judges of Israel.
Deborah Mother, wife, prophetess, singer, judge
What did Nehemiah do in Jerusalem?
He rebuilt the walls and gates around the city
What happened to the kingdom after Solomon's death? Who made it happen?
The kingdom split in 2. Israel and Judah. Rehoboam was king of Judah, Jeroboam was king of Israel
I stopped rainfall for more than 3 years. I am hated by all the other priests in Israel because I make fun of them alot. The king and queen both hated me so much I had to hide in a cave.
Elijah Hated by the priests of Baal, and by Ahab and Jezebel
I followed God faithfully and warned God's people. All I got from that was torture and imprisonment. I got thrown into a well and left for dead, but was eventually rescued and then captured.
Jeremiah Thrown into a dry well, eventually brought into exile by the Babylonians
Identify and spell the name of the people that captured Israel and Judah.
Assyrians, Babylonians
Name the most precious part of the Tabernacle and what was in it.
Holy of Holies. Separated by a curtain and priests can only enter once a year. The ark of the covenant, a jar of manna, Aaron's staff
You have 2min to review the first 20 books of the Bible. Then your whole group has to recite it.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicle, 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, Psalms, Proverbs
I was chosen by my husband because I was pretty. I have a big secret, and someone wants to kill me. I put my life on the line to save myself and others from this horrible man.
Esther Kept Jewish background as a secret King Xerxes was her husband Haman wanted to kill all the Jews
I wanted to teach the people about God. I told them they were wrong. I rebuilt the Temple and brought the people back home.
Ezra Brought the Jews from Babylon home and rebuilt the Temple.
Explain the 'Sin Cycle' and how it related to the 'Judges Cycle'
Sin Cycle: We are clean, We sin, We get consequences, We repent, Jesus cleans Judges cycle: God's ppl Rest spiritually, then Rebel, then God Rebukes by sending enemies, ppl Repent, Judge Rescues
Name the 11 sons of Jacob and why Joseph and Reuben are not tribes of Israel.
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher Reuben was disinherited, Joseph's sons Manasseh and Ephraim were made into tribes.