Which symbol reminds us God will not flood the earth?
Who gave God an acceptable offering and who gave God an unacceptable offering...ultimately leading to the first murder?
Abel - acceptable
Cain - unacceptable
Which covenants do God uphold?
All of them
What could be a symbol for Abraham and Sarah?
name change
Who tempted Adam to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree?
Eve, who was tempted by the serpent (Satan)
Define covenant
a promise between God and his people
What could be a symbol for Abraham and Isaac?
Who did Abraham send to find a wife for his son and where did he send them?
a servant to Abraham's native land
Which three covenants were made to protect humans?
The covenants made with Adam/Eve, Noah, and Cain
What could be a symbol for Isaac and Rebekah?
Who's name means laughter and why?
Isaac, Sarah laughed in disbelief when she found out she would have a son
Name the four humans we have learned about so far in which sin led to the covenant being made.
Adam, Eve, Cain, Noah
Why does God give us a symbol for His covenants?
To remind us of His promise and that He always fulfills them
Why did God ask Abraham to sacrifice Isaac? What was sacrificed instead, and how was it obtained?
To test his loyalty and faith; ram that was provided by God
Which covenant was made on behalf of someone else? How did they know the covenant was fulfilled?
Isaac and Rebekah; if the woman willingly came back and offered the servant and his camels water