Delivered the Israelites from Pharaoh
An exchange of persons
Main 4 covenants we learned about were made with...
Abraham, Noah, Moses, and David
Psalm 22
Details the Israelites wandering in the desert
Led the Israelites into the Promised Land
"What is it?" or Bread from Heaven
The 2 Trees
1. Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
2. Tree of Life
Psalm 34
Story of a Moabite woman who stays faithful to her mother in law and then marries an Israelite man
King after David - wrote the book of Proverbs
The priestly tribe which camped around the Tabernacle during the Exodus
3 Precursors of the Eucharist
1. Tree of Life
2. Manna
3. Passover Lamb
Psalm 72
Book of rules for the priestly tribe of Israel
Prophet who tells David what he did with Bathsheba & Uriah was wrong & leads him to repent
Militaristic leader of Israel
What is 2 Samuel 7 and why is it significant?
"From your line will come a future king, who will build God’s temple here on earth & set up an eternal kingdom"
God is promising to David that all they have worked and struggled for till come to fulfillment - this is a promise that a Messiah will come from the line of David (Jesus!)
Psalm 104
Praise of Creation
Describes Israel's transition to a monarchy
1 & 2 Samuel
Leader of Israel who is responsible for rebuilding the walls following the Babylonian Exile - prefigures Jesus in driving money changers out of the temple area
To be an ancestor of Jesus means they are in the...
Messianic Line
The point of the Old Testament
1. To show us humanity alone is not able to save themselves - despite God's attempts to reach us in the covenants - we need a Savior - God Himself to come and make a covenant on our behalf
2. Who the Israelite people are and how they became a nation
Psalm 106
Retelling Historical Events
Gives a spiritual understanding of David's leadership - describes an "ideal" king of Israel
1 & 2 Chronicles