In the Beginning
Being Judgy
A Good One
Prophet in a Minor Key

It was an extra thing that Adam didn't need.   So God put him into a deep sleep and performed the first surgery in human history

What is a rib?


Just like Noah, this man made his ride on the Nile in an ark.

Who is Moses?


Often considered the greatest of the Judges, this man was famous for many things, including a dinner of honey and using a jawbone as an effective weapon

Who was Samson?


There weren't many good kings of Israel.   But this man, even when he did bad things, still dedicated his life to being after God's heart.

Who is David?


Three days inside a fish made this man both eager to finally obey God as well as eager to take a much-needed bath.

Who is Jonah?


After eating the fruit, Adam and Even made clothes for themselves out of these kind of leaves?   Too bad their last name wasn't "Newton"

What are fig leaves?


Moses fled here after it became known that he had killed an Egyptian.

What is Midian?  (or Sinai)


This judge was reluctant to do what God had told him to do.   He tested God by asking Him to do things with a wet blanket

Who is Gideon?


David's son by Bathsheba, he asked for wisdom instead of riches, wives, or wealth...and God gave him all those things anyway.   Too bad he forgot it.

Who is Solomon?


The earliest of the minor prophets, this man wrote a one-chapter book of the Bible.   

Who is Obadiah?

This creature was more cunning that all the others God had made.   And neither Adam nor Eve spoke Parsel-tongue to find out just how cunning it was!

What is the serpent?


God sent this many plagues against Pharaoh and Egypt, proving that humans are hard-hearted and need constant reminding.

What is 10?


The only woman Judge, this woman bravely led Israel through a battle that ended badly for the enemy, who died with a terrific headache.

Who is Deborah?

Satan challenged God to let him (Satan) afflict this man to prove he would turn away from God.   Once again, the devil underestimated the power of faith in the one true God.

Who was Job?


"I will come and strike the land with a curse" are the last words of this minor prophet's book.   They're also the last words of the Old Testament

Who is Malachi?


All the other creatures and things in the world were spoken into existence except this one.   And this, God said, was "very good"

What is Man?


After crossing through the Red Sea, God closed it up and saved the Israelites.   From there, Moses led them to this holy mountain.

What is Sinai (or Horeb)?


The last of the Judges, this high priest was told by God to anoint Israel's first king.   He did it, but he came to regret it.

Who is Samuel.


The last good king of Judah, this man "found" the word of God and had it read to all the people, who rediscovered faith in the Lord after a 70+ year absence.

Who is Josiah?


"Marry the prostitute" was what God told this Old Testament prophet.   He did it to tell a story about how God would remain faithful to us even when we aren't faithful to Him.

Who is Hosea?


After the leaf clothing fiasco, God made clothes out of these for Adam and Eve.  I'm sure the animals weren't pleased to find it out.

What is animal skin?


When he finally had a chance to sit down, Moses recorded God's word in the first five books of the Bible, which are referred to as this.

What is the Pentateuch (or Torah, or the Law of Moses).


An ancestor of Jesus, this woman lived during the time of the judges.   She was born in Moab, and followed her mother-in-law back home to Bethlehem, not knowing what God had in store for her.

Who is Ruth?


Living at the time of Isaiah, this good king of Judah built cities, eagerly following God's commands.   Here at Water's Edge, every Christmas, we recommend a book about "his" journey.

Who is Jotham?


This Old Testament minor prophet had the same name as John the Baptist's father.   But they weren't the same man, not with over 400 years separating them.

Who is Zechariah?