How many "tribes" of Israel are there?
What is 12?
On what mountain does Moses receive the 10 commandments?
Mt. Sinai
The Children of Israel crossed this to escape the Egyptian Army.
What is the Red Sea?
What does the name Satan mean?
What is adversary?
What is accuser?
The second king of Israel
Who is King David?
Name two kinds of sacrifices offered by the Jewish people in Bible times.
What are burnt offerings?
What are peace offerings?
What are sin offerings?
What are trespass offerings?
What are first fruit offerings?
What are thank offerings?
What are meat offerings?
Bonus 100 points- Specific Categories
What are guilt offerings?
What are sweet savor offerings?
On what mountain in Jerusalem does the current Muslim "Dome of the Rock" sit?
This is also the "Temple Mount" where Solomon build his temple.
What is Mt. Moriah?
The Children of Israel had to cross over this river to enter the Promised Land.
What is the Jordan River?
Who said "wisdom is better than strength...", "wisdom is better than weapons of war."
Who is King Solomon?
Jerusalem is a part of what tribal land?
What is Judah?
In Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream about the statue, what metal represents the Medes and Persians?
What is silver?
What is the name of a mountain in Jerusalem whose name figures prominently in prophetic literature as a term for Jerusalem and the Hebrew Nation?
What is Mt. Zion?
The Jordan River flows into this
What is the Dead Sea?
For 100 points each, name 3 prophets who ministered after the Exile.
Who is Zecheriah?
Who is Haggai?
Who is Malachi?
Two prophets who prophesized while in Exile in Babylon
Who is Daniel?
Who is Ezekiel?
For 100 point each identify:
Who conquered the Nation of Israel?
What year B.C. did this occur?
Who conquered the Nation of Judah?
What year B.C. did this occur?
What is the Assyrian empire?
What is 722 B.C.?
What is the Babylonian Empire?
What is 586 B.C.?
Name the mountain where Elijah confronted the prophets of Baal.
This is a mountain that overlooks the Mediterranean Sea where Elijah predicted rain, and his servant saw a wisp of a cloud come together like a hand.
What is Mt. Caramel
Lake in Israel which provided the most abundant fishing
What is the Sea of Galilee?
Who was the last leader/judge of Israel prior to the monarchy, a prophet who also anointed Saul and David?
Who is the prophet Samuel?
One of the tribes of Israel. This family did not receive a tribal inheritance. Instead they were in charge of cities in each tribal land and were the ministers to God.
Who are the Levites?
Who are Manassah and Ephraim?
Who are Joseph's sons?
On what mountain or hill near Jerusalem will Christ stand when he returns to defeat the armies of the Anti-Christ?
What is the Mount of Olives?
Hint: Where does Jesus go to pray?
When Israel inherited the land, each tribe was given a portion according to their population and the fruitfulness of the land. This tribe/family received the most land.
What is Manasseh?
For 100 points each, identify:
Who is the Father of Israel?
Who was this person's son (of promise)?
Who was the son of promise's son who had 12 sons?
What was the second name God gave him?
Why did God give him this name, as in, what does it mean?
Who was Father Abraham?
Who was Issac?
Who was Jacob?
Who was Israel?
What is the name for "Wrestled with God?"
A destructive plague prophesized by Joel in chapter 1 which may be reference to a historical event, or to future armies
What are the locusts?