This was Moses' job before he led the Israelites out of Egypt
What is a shepherd
What is Sarah?
These are the first 5 books in the old testament that are called the Torah or the Pentateuch
Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy
Fill in the blank:
It is impossible for God to ____. -Hebrews 6:18
What is creator?
When moses threw his staff on the ground in front of Pharoah it turned into this
This is what Abraham and Sarah wanted more than anything!
What is a baby?
This is a book of the bible where David writes a song that he would sing to his sheep
What is the book of Psalms?
Fill in the blank:
The Lord is my Shepherd. ______ 23:1
This is the meaning of the hebrew words Jehovah Shammah.
What is "The Lord is there".
This is what God asked Moses to do when he approached the burning bush
what is "Take off your shoes, for you are standing on holy ground."
This was Abraham's son whose name means "The one who laughs"
These are all of the minor prophets. (Name two of them)
Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habbakuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi
Fill in the blank:
Your word is a ____ to my feet and a ____ to my path. -Psalm 119:105
lamp; light
This is the meaning of the Hebrew words Jehovah Jireh.
What is "The Lord will provide."
These are the plagues in Egypt (name at least 3)
What are:
death of first born
blood in the nile
This is what God said to Abraham when he looked up into the starry sky.
what is "You will have a son and you will have a big family. Look up at the stars. Can you count them all? No, there are too many to count. That is how big your family will be. And I will give your family all this land."
This is the book of the old testament where this prophet was escaping Ninevah by boat, but God brought him there anyway because he was swallowed by a big fish.
Who is Jonah?
Which book of the bible is this memory verse from?
I am the Lord who heals you.
(extra 100 points if you know the chapter and verse number)
-Exodus 15:26
This is the meaning of the Hebrew words Jehovah Shalom.
What is "The Lord is peace"
Moses did this to help his people escape the Egyptians.
What is parted the Red Sea?
This is how old Abraham was when God told him he was going to have a son.
What is 99 years old?
This is the book of the Bible that comes after Jeremiah.
What is Lamentations?
Fill in the blank:
He is our ____ and our shield. -psalm 33:20
This is the meaning of the Hebrew word El Kanna.
What is "jealous God."