We are in a world full of corruption and tragedy. Why?
What is sin entered the world through Adam and we live in a fallen world. Humans also have free will and have chosen to do bad instead of good.
It can't be destroyed.
What is a covenant?
God creates night, day, darkness, and light.
What is the 1st day?
Adam was to "till" the land (which means to plow it and grow vegetables) and this was the purpose of doing this.
What is the priestly role and keeping the land holy?
A sacred agreement between two parties (people) that is made with an oath.
What is a covenant?
God does "this" to help fix the corruption and tragedy of death in the Old Testament.
What is He created a new covenant with Noah and several people from Noah's family.
Things are not exchanged in a covenant but "this" is.
What are people?
God creates space, the skies and the oceans.
What is the 2nd day?
Naming the animals was Adam's job.
What is being a prophet and speaking on behalf of God?
Someone who represents groups of people involved in a covenant.
What is a mediator?
The number of covenants in the Old Testament.
What is five?
A marriage is a type of "this".
What is a covenant?
God created dry land, fruit trees, plants, and all vegetation.
Day is the 3rd day?
Adam was given dominion over all of the animals on earth.
What is being a king or a caretaker?
God's plan to save humanity (humans) from sin and bring people to eternal life.
What is Salvation History?
I will be your God, I will bless you and protect you and you will be my people and you will be faithful to me.
What is the agreement?
An ordained priest makes "this" when he takes the vows of priesthood.
What is a covenant?
God creates the moon, and the sun in the skies and then on the next day he created all the sea creatures and the birds to fly in the sky.
What are the 4th and 5th days?
Adam becomes the bridegroom.
What is we are intended to be in a relationship with another person and with God.
This word means holy.
What is sanctify?
God does not want us to experience evil.
What is the reason for telling Adam not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge.
The type of land topography in the Old Testament that covenants happened on.
What is a mountain?
God created the animals and man on this day and then rested on the last day.
What are the 6th and 7th day?
Do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge.
What is the one rule that God had for Adam.
Power, control and kingly rights are given to Adam.
What is dominion?