How many stories (or accounts) of creation do we find in the Bible?
What does God Promise to Abraham and why does this sound crazy?
He promises that he will have as many descendants as the stars but Abraham is very old and has no children.
What obstacle did God lead the Israelites through and how did He appear to them to lead them.
He led them through the Red sea and He continued to lead them under the appearance of a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night.
Do we still have to follow the 10 commandments?
What is the truth about God? (we learned this on our first day of class)
God is personal, God is knowable, and He loves me!
What does God reveal through creation?
Joseph is one of Israel's sons. What do Israels other sons do with Joseph and were does he end up?
They sell him into slavery and he ends up in Egypt and in charge of distributing all of the countries food during a food shortage.
God choose Moses and He saved him by having him put in a basket in the river where he was found by Pharaoh's daughter.
What is the name of the food that the God gives to the Israelites in the desert?
Who is the fulfillment of the Old Testament?
Jesus Christ
What are the two sources of Divine Revelation?
Scripture and Tradition
Who is Abraham's only son and what does God tell him to do with this son?
Isaac is Abraham's only son and God tells him to sacrifice his son.
When Pharaoh wouldn't listen to God's command to free the Israelites, God sent plagues. Name 3 plagues.
Water to Blood, frogs, flies, gnats, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of livestock, passover
Why do we divide the 10 commandments into the first 3 and the last 7?
The first 3 talk about how we should love to God and the last 7 talk about how we should love others.
What happens in the sacrament of confession?
In confession Jesus forgives our sins!
What is the Fall and what did God do in response to the Fall?
The Fall is Adam's sin of eating the fruit and disobeying God. In response, God made a plan to save the human race and all creation.
Jacob is given a new name. What is this name and why is he given this name?
He is named Israel meaning "one who wrestles with God" because he wrestled with God.
What does Exodus mean?
Exodus means "way out" from "ex" meaning "out, out from" and "hodus" meaning "a way, path, road."
What is the Ark of the Covenant? Name 1 of the 3 items found inside it.
The Ark of the covenant is the holiest object that the Israelites have; it reminds the Israelites of God's presence with them. It has in it Aarons staff, manna, and the tablets which have the 10 commandments.
What is a tabernacle? What (or Who) is in a tabernacle? And what do the Israelites have that foreshadows our tabernacle?
Decorative Gold box in the Church. Jesus is in the tabernacle. The Ark of the Covenant.
Who wrote the Bible?
What happened to Jacob because he stole Isaac's blessing from Esau?
Because Jacob stole the blessing from Esau by deception, he was also deceived later by his father in law who gave him his oldest daughter (Leah) instead of the one he wanted to marry (Rachel).
In the passover meal, why did the have to sprinkle blood on the doorposts and why did they eat unleavened bread?
They sprinkled blood on the doorposts because God told them that if they did this, the angel of death would pass over their house and spare the oldest child. They ate unleavened bread because they were in a hurry to leave so it didn't have time to rise.
Where does Moses recivew the 10 commandments and why does he break the tablets that he is given?
He recieves them on Mt. Sinai and he breaks them because he finds that the Israelites have gone back to pagan worship (i.e. worshiping a golden calf).
What is the cycle that we learn from the Israelites in the Old Testament that we also find ourselves in?
State of union with God, Sin against God, Beg for God's Mercy, God saves us a reunites us, etc.