The number of books in the Bible
What is 66?
What is love God and love your neighbor?
This book contains stories of creation and a great flood.
What is Genesis?
The first people created in Genesis.
Who are Adam and Eve?
Saved his family and a bunch of animals from a flood by putting them on an ark.
Who is Noah?
The Old Testament was originally written in this language.
What is Hebrew?
The first commandment says "I am the Lord your God. You shall have no other ____ before me."
What is gods?
This book contains the Ten Commandments.
What is Exodus or Deuteronomy?
Led the people out of slavery in Egypt to freedom.
This person was always faithful to God and never did anything wrong but still lost everything.
Who is Job?
What is the book name, chapter number, and verse number?
The third commandment says to remember the ____ day and keep it holy.
What is the Sabbath?
This book contains stories about the first leaders God appointed to help the people follow God's laws.
What is the book of Judges?
Wrestled with God on the riverbank and got a new name (bonus if you can state the original name and the new name).
Who is Jacob/Israel?
Killed his brother Abel after he got jealous that Abel was getting more attention than him.
Who is Cain?
The first five books of the Bible (in order).
The people the fourth commandment tells you to honor.
Who are your parents?
This book tells the story of a woman who says "where you go, I will go, where you stay, I will stay."
What is the book of Ruth?
Known as the "best king" in the Bible, fought a giant, married Bathsheba, and is said to have written the Psalms.
Who is King David?
Made a covenant with God under the night sky, where God said their ancestors would be as numerous as the stars.
Who is Abraham?
The Old Testament books can be divided into these four categories.
What is the Law (also Torah or Pentateuch), History, Poetry/Wisdom, and the Prophets?
Three things the Ten Commandments say you "shall not" do.
What is kill, steal, bear false witness, covet your neighbors' things, or commit adultery?
Two books of the Bible known as prophets.
What is Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos, Micah, etc.
The only woman judge named in the book of Judges.
Who is Deborah?
The person who led the people into the promised land after Moses died.
Who is Joshua?