Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
God told Adam and Eve that they could have any fruit from any tree in the garden, except this one.
What is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
This was the group of people, who came from the line of Levi, who were in charge of the temple.
What is a Levite?
Giving up something that you love for God
What is sacrifice?
The psalmist starts and ends a psalm with the same phrase, this is called…
What is reflection
The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil is known as…
What is redemption?
The word God used to describe the earth after he created it
What is good?
The animal God told the people to eat during the Passover was to be a one year old male without blemish, What is the name of this animal?
What is a lamb
The name of the woman David committed adultery with
What is Bathsheba
Addressing God, complaining, requesting, and usually expressing trust
What is a psalm of lament?
Compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom is within one's power to punish or harm is known as…
What is mercy?
This is the animal that deceived Adam and Eve into eating from the tree God commanded them not to eat from.
What is a serpent/snake
The Israelites were told that this would be in Canaan, the promised land.
What is flowing with milk and honey
The name of the man David had killed to cover up his sin
What is Uriah
This type of Psalm is more general, focused on who God is more than what He’s done, the format is 1.Call to praise, 2.Reasons to praise, 3.Conclusion (repeat of the call to praise)
What is a psalm of praise
A major Jewish spring festival that commemorates the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery, lasting seven or eight days from the 15th day of Nisan.
What is the Passover?
The light and darkness was created on this day.
What is day 1
The people were supposed to do with the blood from the animal
What is paint the door frame red with blood
David’s punishment for sinning against God was…
What is his firstborn son would die
The nation that brought about the Exile
What is Babylon
God giving us the ability to make choices is known as..
What is freewill?
This is why God put the tree in the Garden of Eden
What is a test
God sent the Israelites into the desert for this
What is punishment
This is how God showed his forgiveness to David
What is a new son Named Solomon.
How hot was the furnace that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into?
What is 7 times hotter than normal
An annual day of fasting and prayer among the Israelites, still observed by their descendants, the present-day Jews. It occurs in autumn, and its observance is one of the requirements of the Mosaic law. Jews also call this day Yom Kippur.
What is the Day of Atonement?