Where is the first place that olives were grown in?
Which bracha do you say on olives?
Borei Pri Haetz
What colour is a normal olive?
light green
Where is the mountain of olives?
On what in the state of israel are olives on?
What bracha do you say after olives?
Al Haetz
What colours do olives come in?
Violet Red Black Yellow Green
Where is the grocery store "olive branch"
How old is the oldest olive tree?
How many olives do you need to eat to say a bracha rishona?
as little as you want
Which olive colour produces the most oil?
Green olives
What type of tree is an olive tree?
Peace and Wisdom
Why do you say the bracha achrona that you say on olives?
Because it is part of the shivat haminim.
What do olives do as they ripen?
They Change colour
Which countries eat the most olives?
Albania and Syria
Where in the Torah are olives first mentioned?
Noach's dove brought back an olive branch
What amount of olives do you need to eat to say a bracha achrona?
Which colours are the healthiest?
Black and Green
What is the record for the tallest olive tree?
40 feet