While some may think Olivia's birthday is today, the actual day of her birth is...
What is March 19th, 2003
Olivia is well known for singing choir, where she sings in this section.
What is Mezzo?
Olivia is well known at this school, where she passionately teaches music as an intern.
What is Lavilla School of the Arts?
"If you're not wet with sweat you're wet with ___"
What is rain
Liv's high school relationship quickly went south at THIS popular dessert spot.
What is Jeremiahs Italian Ice?
Olivia grew up in the beautiful city of Oviedo, Florida. What street is her childhood home located on?
What is Glengarry Road?
Olivia loves Christian music, especially the songs of this Christian artist.
Who is Josh Garrels?
Olivia worked at this popular store for three months, which is often associated with Disney Adults.
What is Build a Bear Workshop?
While some call them selfies, the popular photographic style is often referred to as this in the Martin household.
What is "ussies"
Olivia's second (and most handsome) boyfriend has THIS middle name
What is 'Caine'
Olivia is well known for the distinctive noise she makes when her throat is itchy. Many refer to this sound as the dying ____
What is Bullfrog
Olvia loves playing music in the car. This song which autoplays when you get into her car takes you to new heights.
What is 'aint no mountain high enough'
While growing up, Olivia got her first job at this Church, which she also attended.
What is University Carillon?
Olivia's sister Alyssa sometimes goes by this SHOCKING nickname.
What is 'electryssa'
Olivia and her Current boo-thang started dating in THIS month.
What is March?
While some people have one, two, three or even four parents, Olivia's parents are names
Who are Glen and Diane
Olivia has long loved performing. Her freshman year of college, she performed in an opera called _____ and Aeneas.
What is Dido?
Many Gen Z-ers aspire to be youtubers when they grow up. Olivia tried once to make this dream come true, posting to a channel known by this name.
What is Sundays with Olivia?
The bible calls it 'the way of the woman', other call it a 'period' but Liv affectionately refers to 'that time of month' as
What is 'Bleeding out the Wazzu'
Olivia has had this many crushes from age 0-18.
What is 0?
This famous Disney Character, known as 'Quasi Modo' is known for his hunched back. Like Quasi, Olivia had a severe case of Scoliosis, leaving one of her legs _ much longer than the other.
What is 1 inch?
Many people go to the Club to enjoy music, dance, and maybe some other not so wholesome things. Olivia too was an avid partier in her former life, where she frequented this club
What is Club Penguin?
People often change their Majors multiple times in college. Although Olivia has always been a music major, she heavily considered this career in her childhood.
Computer Software Saleswoman
Everyone loves a good movie quote, and Liv is no exception. Lately she has been saying "get out me swamp", a popular phrase often uttered by this Dreamworks character.
Who is Shrek
Olivia sometimes uses THIS common adjective when referring to her Fiancé.
What is 'Cute'