Hey shortie, it's your birthday
The I's have it.
Things are getting harry
This is where it all began
My pleasure

Most presidents were either aquarius or this sign.

What is scorpio? (My wife could run for office)


The eye is the second most complex organ in the body just behind this.

What is the brain? (Except for the scarecrow)


Harry belongs to this house?

What is gryffindor? (What a loser)


Ponce de le'on named this state "la florida" which means home of this.

What are flowers? (Call your florist for details)


The extremely addictive chic-fil-a sauce is a combination of barbecue, honey mustard, and this ingredient. 

What is ranch? (Yummy on anything)


Getting these abs ripped, this zodiac sign joins fitness clubs at the highest rate.

What is leo? (Let's pump it up)


Heterochromia is the medical term for having these.

What are two different colored eyes? (Never seen it)


In a game of quidditch, you will find harry playing this position 

What is seeker? (Guessing they don't have power forwards)


This is the capital of Florida.

What is Tallahassee? (That was the best they could do)


Surprisingly, chic-fil-a is the largest buyer of this u.s. product.

What is peanut oil?  (President Carter approves)


Wanna play in the NBA? This zodiac sign produces the most professional athletes.

What is aquarius? (Jordan was an aquarius?)


This underwater dweller has the closest match to a human cornea and has been used for transplants 

What is the shark? (Who knew)


Wanna cuddle up with fluffy of the harry potter series? Be prepared to be next to this type of animal.

What is a three headed dog? (Just more mouths to feed)


Florida is only one of two states to have a tropical climate; this is the other.

What is Hawaii? (Poi anyone)


The original name of Chick-fil-A was this.

What is dwarf grill? (How appropriate)


It rubs the lotion on it's skin. This zodiac sign has the highest probability of producing a serial killer.

What is Pisces? (That's just creepy)


It is impossible to keep your eyes open during this event.

What is a sneeze? ( God bless you)


We all knew who shot j.r. in the 80s, but who killed professor Dumbledore 

Who is severus snape? (BTW, Lucy shot j.r.)


Florida boasts the 3rd largest population in the United States behind California and this state.

What is texas? (Yee-haw)


Only three states do not have a chic-fil-a.  Vermont, Hawaii, and this largest state in the U.S.

What is Alaska? (Too cold for chickens there)


Will you pick up the check? This sign is known to produce low incomes.

What is Capricorn? (This one's on me)


On a clear night, the human eye can detect the flicker of this from 1.7 miles away.

What is a candle flame? (How Romantic)


Even though Harry enjoyed quidditch, this character became a professional player.

Who is ginny? (She and Forrest made a cute couple)


Pack a lunch and grab a boat. Florida has over 4,000 of these.

What are islands? (Hit the beach)


Chick-fil-A is the only fast food restaurant to produce this in house cucumber based topping.

What is a pickle? (Pucker up)