What Region of the US is in Alabama
The south
What was Ethan’s first dog named
How many bathrooms do we have in this house
Who most recently won the Superbowl
The Eagles
Was Alabama originally part of the 13 colonies
What is the Capital of Turky
What is Ethan’s mothers maiden name
What percent of Ethan’s life (in the nearest year) has he spent in a different state
What team is Greenbays main rival
Chicago Bears
who is Alabama's “little brother” state
There are two countries partially in Europe and Partially in Asia one of those is turkey what is the other one
What day is Ethan’s and Olivia’s Anniversary
February 11th
True or false Alabama has a higher population than Washington
The NFC North Division is comprised of what teams other than Greenbay
Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, and the Minnesota Vikings
Alabama was originally a part of the blank* territory
How many states does it take to go through (least amount of states) from Texas to Vermont
Ethan looked at going to this college first before any other college because it was “easy to get into”
Mississippi State
What 5 states have the highest percent of the population in the US
California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania
How many Electoral votes does Alabama get
there are 11 states that seceded from the Us during the civil war, name at least 10
South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina, Tennessee
Who is Ethan’s Favorite person and best friend and love of his life
Name the top 5 cities by population in the united states
New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston Phoenix
What are 5 of the 6 division 1 college football teams in Alabama
Alabama, Auburn, South Alabama, Troy, UAB, Jax State
The Original Capital of the south was in this city in Alabama