Name at least one member of the BTS group
From which country anime comes from?
Japan 👽
what is our principals full name ?
Roman Tlustoš🤠
Who spilt the milk on Johana <3?
Silva 😩
What is the most popular anime in top 3?
Naruto 👁 👅 👁
this person is ginger a lots of people are scared of him/her evryone is making fun of him/her (sad) he/she sang "shape of you,,
ed sheeran
Which zodiac sign is our teacher Bortlik
Cancer ♋
Who is the most problematic child?
Which hair color does Zero two have?
Who is scared of Ed Sheeran from 7.B?
Did someone died in our school
no , (or yes but were not supposed to know) 😧
Cuz of which word did Silva beat up Linda?
Burrito 🌯