This is God’s Written Word
What is the Bible
God is the One and Only Creator or everything, the Universe, the Earth, humans, animals, etc
The Holy Eucharist can be explained as this, in plain words
What is the body and blood of Jesus
God made us for these reasons.
To know, love and serve Him so to enter Heaven.
There 5 things; adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and summary are called this.
What is prayer
The Bible is made up of these two main sections, or parts
What are Old and New Testament
the mystery of three divine Persons in one God is called this
What is the Holy Trinity
These three sacraments are the first you receive.
What are Baptism, Eucharist, Confession
God sent Jesus to Earth for this reason
To give us our model for Christian life.
To teach us how to love God and love others.
This prayer has over 50 Hail Marys
What is Rosary
This is needed to look up various scripture references in the Bible
What is the Book, Chapter, Verse(s)
What are our first parents, Adam and Eve, or Garden of eden
The Gospel at Mass can be read by these people.
What are a Deacon or Priest
This “thing” that is any intentional thought word or deed , or omission that breaks God’s law is known as...
What is Sin
THis prayer Jesus taught us
Our Father
Gods Covenant and Laws to the Israelites
What are the 10 Commandments
Mary, the Immaculate Conception means this.
What created without original sin.
There are two parts of the mass, the first containing the readings called the Liturgy of the Word and the second part called this.
What is Liturgy of Eucharist.
In the Ten Commandments, the first three and the last seven describe how our relationship with ___ and with___
God and others.
THe Act of Contrition prayer is said for this reason.
Express to God or sorrow for sins.
THe New Testament of the Bible starts with these 4 books
What are Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The Catholic Church was started by ….
Who is Jesus?
THe Holy Water fonts at Mass remind us of this.
What is our Baptism.
The two types of sin are this.
What is Venial and Mortal.
Prayer can be explained simply as this.
Communication with God.