How do power, Difference, social justice, & oppression occur in the U.S?
Systemic Oppression
The many forms of Oppression
Systemic oppression through the readings and Discourse
I'm not telling you what to do, but...
Our Friends the Bank
Real Estate, Legislation, Work Opportunities, and Home Owners Associations
What is a System of Oppressive Forces Faced by Black Americans
The ERASURE of culture and history

1) Power and Ideology attempts to fix the meaning of images and language (Stuart Hall, 1997, 44 min.)

2) The question is, what type of stories get invented, circulated, perpetuated in the public imagination, and why? (Chyng Feng Sun in Mickey Mouse Monopoly, 2001, 33 min.)

He said that investments in Whiteness are built on narratives of individualism.

Lipsitz, G. (1995). The Possessive Investment in Whiteness: Racialized Social Democracy and the "White" Problem in American Studies. American Quarterly, 47(3), 369-387.

[p. 383]

"The "ghetto" was not simply a physical construct; it was also an ideological construct. Urban space became a metaphor for perceived racial difference".

"A difference of kind, not degree."

Is this concept.

What is racial DIFFERENCE

Sugrue, T. (2014). The Origins of Urban Crisis: Race and inequality in postwar Detroit. New York: Teachers College Press. Chapter 8, p. 229

Coates, T. (2014).

Choosing between practicing your religion and education is an example of:

What is Christian Privilege and/or Systemic Oppression in Education

The DENIAL OF SERVICES to the subaltern.

1) Farmworkers and domestic workers are excluded from Social Security (Social Security Act) and unionization (Wagner Act). (Lipsitz, 1998, p. 5)

2) Redlining: FHA loans only available in white neighborhoods. (Sugrue, 1996, ch. 2)

This works by "persuading people that something deep...can be intuited from their surface."

Lensmire, T. J. (2014). White men's racial others. Teachers College Record, 116(3).

[p. 23]


Those who have power, creative power, is white male: they are socialized in this society and they internalize the norms and values and when they produce work, it comes out in that way unless they make a real conscience decision to operate in an alternative ideology.

Is this concept.


ex: With 7 or so power houses in the world; they control what the public see/hear/and eventually internalize; If one does not like a movie put out by Disney and the ratings are down; Disney can have it played on the News stations they own, or over the air with the radio stations they own, or in stores with their advertising firms they own, etc. One cannot escape the power, they choose what they want an audience to hear, see, and think about. Their objective is making money.

Mickey Mouse Monopoly:

23 min


This disproportionately affects people of color and serves as an extension of slavery:

What is the Prison Industrial Complex
Oppressors use DOMINATION OF PHYSICAL SPACE against the oppressed.

1) Mudimbe (1988: 2) refers to the...colonizing structures that dominated physical space. (Nkomo, 2001, p. 366)

2) The Free Zone that we term the "slave zone." (Life + Debt, 2001, 50 min.)

3) Neighborhood organizations militant resistance to integration; civic projects that raze black neighborhoods and business districts. (Sugrue, 1996, ch. 2, 8-9)

"Justice doesn't see race" refers to this lens.


Brewer, Rose M., & Heitzeg, Nancy A. (2008). The racialization of crime and punishment: Criminal justice, color-blind racism, and the political economy of the prison industrial complex.(Report). American Behavioral Scientist, 51(5), 625-644.

[p. 634]


"You can easily fall through the cracks fighting these white people. And no law".

Is this concept.


Coates, T. (2014). The Case for Reparations. (Found at: http://www/

Communities of policing, protesting and violence were among the many approaches used by White Americans to maintain:
The color line, homogeneous neighborhoods, oppression of black families/communities 
The oppressed are DEFINED by the oppressors.

1) Since the days of Jesse Owens our society has more readily acknowledged, and more avidly rewarded, one of her talents over the other [Gorgeous, who is a champion athlete and class valedictorian]. (Race: The Power of Illusion, 2003, 52 min.)

2) The "slave market" of black day laborers in Detroit reinforces views of blacks as lazy and shiftless. (Sugrue, 1996, p. 121)

3) Turning a human being into a thing is almost always the first step toward justifying violence against that person [women]. (Killing Us Softly 4, 2010, 9 min.)

4) We are looking for who we are...but we are constantly told what we are. (A Girl Like Me, 2007, 6 min.)

5) Muslims are depicted as "the problem" due to what Stuart Hall has called a situation of Moral Panic. (Constructing the Terrorist Threat, 2017, 4 min.)

6) Integration is synonymous with black men penetrating white women. (Irby, 2014, p. 784-5)

Irby argued that disciplining black male bodies comes from this relational emotion.

Desire, desirability

Irby, D. J. (2014). Revealing racial purity ideology: Fear of Black–White intimacy as a framework for understanding school discipline in post-Brown schools. Educational administration quarterly, 50(5), 783-795

[p. 790]

Broadening the ways we conceptualize the dynamics of oppression, the processes of teaching and learning, and schooling is necessary when working against many forms of social oppression. 

Kumashiro, K. (2000)


This combines the oppressive aspects of race, capitalism, and gender intersect to produce forms of domination and oppression that keep many ethnic, racial and gender groups ‘in their places’


CONTAINMENT is a tool of the oppressor.

1) Congalese were restricted from education by the Belgians. (Congo, My Precious, 2017)

2) Prison industrial complex was a replacement for slavery in the South. (Brewer & Heitzeg, 2008, pp. 628, 632)

3) Educational testing complex is used to restrict education in poor, minority-dominated districts to a rigid curriculum that limits options for advancement. (Lipman, 2003, pp. 333, 340)

4) The Free Zone that contains and regulates the life of Jamaican workers. (Life + Debt, 2001, 50 min.)

5) Systemic segregation of black housing through redlining, civic redevelopment, and white homeowners' rights to be separate from blacks; the subsequent segregation of schools. (Sugrue, 1996)

From our decolonial perspective, "Law and Order" is a euphemism for what? [multiple possible answers]

Racism / Accountability / White Supremacy

see Sugrue, 1996; Lipsitz, 1998; Irby, 2014; Lipman, 2003.