College Life
Military and Trades
Courses at OHS
Special Programs

How long does it normally take to get a Bachelor's degree? Hint: A Bachelor's degree is the degree that you would get at a school like Illinois State or the University of Illinois.

Four years (or more!)


This type of educational institution is designed to provide vocational education or technical skills required to perform a specific job. Such careers associated with this are welder, electrician, nurse, auto mechanic, heating/cooling technician, cosmetologist, and chef.

Trade or Technical School


 By enrolling in this course, you are automatically a member of FFA and can take part in FFA extra curricular activities.

Intro to Ag


These courses allow you to earn college credit through Heartland Community College (or other colleges) while you are still in high school.

Dual Credit


What program is not offered at BACC?

A. Robotics and Engineering
B. Fire Science
C. Nurse Assistant
D. Welding
E. Theater and Fine Arts

E. Theater and Fine Arts


How many years does it normally take to finish an Associate's degree? Hint: This is the degree that you would likely get from a community college, such as Heartland. 

Two years


This individual serves in the military and focuses on attracting soldiers into the armed services. They often travel to high schools and colleges in the area to talk with students and staff about joining the military.


This course is required of all freshman, and is focused on teaching you all the ways to be healthy.

Health and Wellness


These courses allow you to earn college credit by taking an exam at the end of the course. A score of 3 or higher will earn you credit for colleges in Illinois, and a 4 or higher in colleges across the nation.

AP (Advanced Placement)


What is the smallest branch in the military?

Coast Guard

The coast guard has 38,000 active duty soldiers.


What is room & board? Hint: This is a fee that you would typically see when you're paying for college.

Extra costs involved with living on-campus: rent, food, activity fees, etc.


These five organizations make up the five branches of the military.

Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard


This course is a course that allows students to explore their future plans. It is highly recommended for all freshman and will be providing an opportunity for dual credit as early as the freshman year.

Career Skills

This program allows students to get started on their career interests in high school. Students leave after lunch to attend programs at this location.

BACC (Bloomington Area Career Center)

What is the largest university/college in Illinois?

The University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. UIUC had an enrollment of over 50,000 students this past fall.


True or False: There are over 100 colleges/universities/trade schools in the state of Illinois?

True: There are over 120 post-secondary institutions in Illinois! 


To apply for trade school, college, or the military, you must submit this academic document from your high school to show your grades and courses taken.  

High school transcript


Students who take one or both of these TWO elective courses will attend them every other day all year long.

Band and Chorus


This program allows students to leave our building to gain career experience in an area they are interested in. Students can select what business or organization they are located in and must spend 5 hours per week at that location.



This military option allows soldiers to work full time as civilians or attend college, but train one weekend a month and two weeks out of the year to sharpen their skills.

The Reserves. Each branch has a reserve component.

Over a lifetime, college graduates earn $_______ more than those who only have a high school degree.

A) 250,000
B) 500,000
C) 750,000
D) 1,000,000

To compare, the average high school graduate makes $30,000 a year. It would take him 30 years to make $1 million. So, 4 years of college equals 30 years of high school graduate earnings.

College grads are also more likely to have better healthcare, safer work conditions, and have a retirement plan. 


This medical professional is trained to draw blood from a patient for clinical or medical testing, donations, or research. They attend trade school to become certified.



This course is an option class that teaches you an important life skill. You need to pass 8 courses prior to being allowed to enroll in the class and you need to be a certain age to enroll.

Drivers Education


This class is offered to students their junior or senior year. Students start their own business and make real money in this course. Students take this class all year and are out of the building at various locations every day.

CEO (Creating Entrepreneurial Opportunities)


By participating in this, college students can travel to a foreign country and take college courses at a foreign university.

Study Abroad.

There are study abroad options all over the world. Olympia graduates and teachers have studied in countries such as Ireland, Spain, and New Zealand.