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This is the tallest mountain on Earth.

What is Mount Everest?


This geographic landform receives less than 25 cm of precipitation per year and sometimes is caused by the rainshadow effect. 

What is a desert?


The person who worked tirelessly to create a peaceful international athletic competition.

Who is Baron Pierre de Coubertin?


These events were sacred enough to stop warring between city states.

What were the Ancient Olympic Games?


This caused the cancelation of the 1916 Olympic Games.

What is World War I?


Mt Aconcagua, the second tallest mountain on Earth, is in this mountain range.

What is the Andes Mountains?


This is the largest desert in South America.

What is the Patagonian Desert?


This Greek motto meaning faster, higher, and stronger, has been used since 1896.

What is citius, altius, fortius?


The Olympic Games in this city and year had athletes from all 5 continents for the first time.

What is the 1912 Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden?


In the 1870's a German archeologist discovered this oval track where chariot and horse races likely took place.

What is the Hippodrome?


Formed in the Ordovician Period, these mountains were once as high as the Alps and Rocky Mountains.

What is the Appalachian Mountains?


At 5.5 million square miles, this geographic region is the largest of it's kind on Earth.

What is the Antarctic Polar Desert?


In 1928 in St. Moritz, Switzerland, this daring sport where athletes ride a sled face first on their belly down a track must have been a dream because it was an Olympic event again in 1948 but then not again until 2002.

What is skeleton?


These colors of the rings on the Olympic flag represent all the flags of all the countries in 1896.

What are blue, black, red, yellow, and green?

At the first Modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, this hometown hero was the first to enter the stadium for the final leg of the marathon.

Who is Spyridon Louis? 

(He was a shepherd. Two Greek princes jumped out of the stands to join him!)


In 1928 in Amsterdam, Holland, this happened during the 800 meter women's running race resulting in only shorter women's running races until 1960.

What is racers collapsed from exhaustion?


The Ancient Olympics took place in the hot month of August which is fortunate for the athletes because of this required uniform.

What is naked? 


This invention in 1907 took the world by storm as every hard working housekeeper buried in a pile of laundry dreamed of owning it.

What is the electric washing machine?


Setting a new record, over 1 million people attended these Olympic Games despite a great economic depression.

What is the 1932 Summer Olympic Games?

(Los Angeles, California)


Even though this town is known for heavy snowfall, in the 1932 Winter Olympic Games, truckloads of snow were needed at the ski jumps for a safe competition.

What is Lake Placid, New York, USA?


This is the study of flags.

What is vexillology?


Sacrifices to this Greek god occurred at the Pythian Games in Delphi every 4 years.

Who is Apollo?


Coubertin hoped, incorrectly, that having the Olympics in the same place and time as this event would attract more enthusiasm worldwide for the Olympics. 

What is the 1900 Paris International Exposition of Art and Industry? (Paris Expo)


The International Olympic Committee decided that judges needed to be from a variety of countries as a result of this.

What is the British team won the most medals in London in 1908?

Most historians agree that World War I occurred as a result of these five situations.

What is MANIA?

M: Militarism, A: Alliances, N: Nationalism, I: Imperialism, A: Assassinations