How many criteria must be met to meet OMD PC2962?



What do the initials OMD stand for?

Offender with a Mental Disorder


What is insight?

Some current definitions of insight include the following: “The degree of personal awareness and understanding.” “The conscious recognition of one's own condition of illness.” “A person's capacity to understand the nature, significance, and severity of his or her own illness.”


If you are decertified by the judge, to whom are you released?



What are the 3 pathways for release for those committed under PC 2962?

decertification - court

CONREP - Forensics/team/judge

expiration of term - "time out" no longer on parole


How many criteria do you currently have control over?

2 (#4&6)


What are 3 examples of participation in treatment?

80% group attendance, participating in group, participation in social milieu, following directions, contributing to community (keeping area clean), serving on Ward Gov't, having a job


What does remission mean?

The overt signs and symptoms of the severe mental disorder are controlled by medication and/or psychosocial support


Upon arrival at DSH, approximately how soon will you attend your BPH certification hearing?

approximately 60 days after admission


What is a WRP?

Wellness Recovery Plan


What do the criteria you have control over pertain to?

Treatment compliance and community safety (#4&6)


What is a viable discharge plan?

known address, friend or family support, familiar area, continued treatment, 


What is the connection between taking your prescribed medication voluntarily and being considered safe for community treatment?

Taking medication indicates some level of understanding of MI and willingness to accept treatment which could translate to continued mental health treatment in the community.


If you are not released at your BPH hearing, with whom can you file a petition for appeal?

SLO Co Public Defender


After completing a WRP, what should you do with it?

Keep a copy

Submit a copy to your chart

share copy with family members/social supports

share information with evaluators


What's the difference between a static factor and a dynamic factor?

Static means is does not change - (Criteria 1, 2, 3, 5)

Dynamic means changing - (Criteria 2 & 6)


Define "trigger" and "early warning signs" as they relate to mental health

A trigger is a stimulus that elicits a reaction. It often used to mean something that brings on or worsens symptoms. 

Warning signs are small changes or a feeling that “something is not quite right” about your thinking, feelings or behavior.



What are 5 common symptoms of psychotic disorders, i.e. Schizophrenia?

Possible symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, talking incoherently, and agitation. The person with the condition usually isn't aware of his or her behavior.

Behavioral: disorganized behavior, aggression, agitation, hostility, hyperactivity, hypervigilance, nonsense word repetition, repetitive movements, restlessness, self-harm, social isolation, lack of restraint, or persistent repetition of words or actions

Cognitive: thought disorder, confusion, belief that an ordinary event has special and personal meaning, belief that thoughts aren't one's own, disorientation, racing thoughts, slowness in activity, thoughts of suicide, unwanted thoughts, difficulty thinking and understanding, or false belief of superiority

Mood: anger, anxiety, apathy, excitement, feeling detached from self, general discontent, limited range of emotions, loneliness, or nervousness

Psychological: fear, hearing voices, depression, manic episode, paranoia, persecutory delusion, religious delusion, or visual hallucinations

Speech: deficiency of speech, excessive wordiness, incoherent speech, or rapid and frenzied speaking

Also common: memory loss, nightmares, or tactile hallucination


Who makes the determination for your release?

the judge


If you get decertified, how many days until your release?

no more than 5


There are 3 outcomes that are reviewed to help determine treatment compliance while you are hospitalized. One of them is group participation. What are the other 2?

No incidence of Violence, during past year

Medication adherent, voluntarily


How do you know what groups are offered and get enrolled in them?

Ask any staff or treatment team member


Who should you tell when you are experiencing symptoms that are new, different or concerning?

Any staff.  


Do you have a better chance of being decertified at your appeal or at the BP hearing?

Appeal hearing, because there is more time for evaluation


If your term expires, what can the SW help you with?

SS application, post-dc appointment, transitional housing, transportation