Omni Screens
Work Flows
On this Screen you will add the caller details on behalf of the caller.
What is Select a Member Screen?
Any phone call that involves someone other than a member is what type of interaction?
What is Interaction Non-Member?
When the member does not pull up within OMNI you will go to this section to add the members information.
What is Other Actions drop down and select Member Not Found.
When a member requests to speak to their case manager you will use this intent.
What is an Care Management?
Text that appears as blue _______.
What is instruction text, (Do not read to member)?
On this screen at the top of OMNI's tool bar the drop down allows you to select your appropriate interaction.
What is the Dashboard?
On the dashboard screen a member call can be started by clicking on this tab, and this tab is used for all members.
What is the Interaction Member?
This is the length of time the call has been active (open) and it is located at the top of each interaction.
What is the Duration: 00:00:09?
What is the name of the intent that allows you to request changes to the member profile like the language and email address on file?
What is Update Member Preferences?
*************Daily Double**************** Text that should be read aloud to the caller.
What is education text (green) and disclaimer (red)?
**************DAILY DOUBLE**************** On this screen you will be able to view the Member Composite for the first time.
What is the Landing Screen and or the Add Task Screen?
If a member calls about their CentAccount Card what Task should be selected.
What is The Benefits and Eligibility Intent?
This indicates the Service Level Agreement (SLA) placed on an item, and it continues to increase after it passes its SLA.
What is the Urgency Number?
What Intent would be used to report a death of an active member?
What is Notification of Death Intent?
When communication is difficult because of a language barrier; on this screen you will select YES, you would like an interpreter.
What is Find a Member Screen?
On this Omni screen you will select three (3) identifiers taken from the caller to verify HIPAA.
What is the Member Verification and or the (AKA HIPAA SCREEN)?
When a member is calling about a dental practice in their area and where it is located, you will use this Intent.
What is Provider Search Intent?
**************DAILY DOUBLE**************** List the three (3) main tabs on the Omni dashboard you will see on your My Work section.
What is Work List, Routed Work and General Link?
**************DAILY DOUBLE*************** After all intents have been completed, or the interaction is complete, this is next function performed?
What is Wrap up?
On the Omni dashboard this tab displays a view of all the open service objects that were created by the attending CSR.
What is Routed Work?
On this Screen you will type in the member ID and or the full name and DOB.
What is Find a Member Screen
When an authorized caller needs to be added or updated, an agent selects this Task.
What is Update Authorized Contact?
The Task Screen consists of five (5) groups of intents, list the group headings.
What is General, Updates, Benefits/Auth/Claims, Billing/Policy and Material Updates?
What intent would be used to send out a Authorized Caller form?
What is View/Send Materials Intent?
This text is provided to assist with the call and is at the top of every screen in Omni with an icon next to the text.
What is Scripting Text? (Orange text)