another name for an 1/8th apple box
a warning to crew that the lights will turn on to prevent hurting their eyes
the last shot of the day
martini shot
a quick bathroom break
an apple box position that is flat and short
los angeles
an extension cord
a light modifier for casting shadows or silhouettes to produce patterned illumination
calling out for hair and makeup to check on talent before we roll
last looks
bringing a prop or equipment on set
flying in
an apple box position that is at its tallest point
new york
a tripod on set
a natural light source on set (aka a lit candle, lit lamp, etc)
resetting a shot
back to one
a phrase yelled to a group of people in the way of a crew member carrying heavy equipment (c-stand, tripod, etc)
an apple box position that is long, narrow, and on its side
clothing pins used to hold up gels and other light items
a large rigid flag, usually four feet on each side, with an extra flap used to shape light
telling the team on set to stop what their doing to start a shot
hold the work
a warning to the camera operator that you need to walk pass the camera frame before rolling
a slate is placed upside down at the end of the frame to mark it when it’s not possible to slate at the beginning
tail slate/end slate
a short c-stand
a clamp that's ideal for holding beadboard, foam core, and bounce cards
duck bill clamp
the process of determining where people will stand and move in a scene
set is ready for shooting and must stay as is/untouched
hot set
a collection of unedited footage from the previous day typically reviewed by the director