The S in S.M.A.R.T goals.
What is specific?
Something that causes you to become angry.
What are triggers?
Feeling good about yourself and confident in your abilities and worth.
What is self-esteem?
This is the number of players on the basketball court for each team during a standard game.
What is five?
Caring about the thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and rights of someone else.
What is respect?
The M in S.M.A.R.T. goals.
What is measurable?
Taking deep breaths, exercising, talking to a trusted adult or friend, journaling, listening to music, spending time outside etc.
What are coping skills?
The ability to take responsibility for your actions, decisions, and outcomes.
What is self-accountability?
This restaurant’s mascot is a red-haired girl with pigtails, wearing a blue dress.
What is Wendy’s?
What respect sounds, looks, and feels like to you.
Sound: saying thank you, "no" -> "ok" (accepting no), agree to disagree.
Look: waiting, listening, giving space, silence.
Feel: Calm, happy, safe, grateful.
The A in S.M.A.R.T. goals.
What is attainable?
Name 10 different emotions.
Examples: joy, trust, fear, surprise, anger, sadness, disgust, anger, anticipation, hopeful, love, anxious, excited, confused, proud, delighted, jealous, etc.
People who have these type of mindset believe that their success depends on time and effort and that their skills and intelligence can be improved with effort and persistence.
What is a growth mindset?
This popular game-day snack, often dipped in ranch or blue cheese, is named after a city with an NBA team.
What are Buffalo wings?
The people that deserve our respect.
The R in S.M.A.R.T. goals.
What is relevant?
These emotions are how we react to events and situations.
What is primary emotions?
Ex: Joy, Fear, Anger, Sadness, Surprise.
Power that ultimately lies in the choices we make, regardless of external sources of influence.
What is personal power?
This team has won the most NBA championships in history.
What are the Boston Celtics?
How we decide to respect someone.
The T in S.M.A.R.T. goals.
What is time-bound?
These emotions are reactions to how we feel.
What is secondary emotions?
Ex: proud, jealous, guilty, confused, anxious, excited.
The person that controls your words, thoughts, actions, reactions, decisions, etc.
What is myself?
This spicy Korean side dish is made of fermented cabbage.
What is kimchi?
Ways that we can be more respectful to others.
Actively listening, consider others perspectives, avoid interrupting, be mindful of your language, apologize when you're wrong, keep your promises, respect boundaries, show appreciation by complimenting others and expressing gratitude, etc.