What is a long alleyway in the city, dark, middle of the night, rainy, quiet
Why would someone not be able to tell that Andy was stabbed?
It is dark and raining, making it hard to see.
who are the 4 people that enter that alleyway after he is stabbed, but they do not help?
Drunk man, Freddie and Angela, and the homeless old woman at the other side of the alley.
Give a synonym for the word "ambushed"
attacked, surprised, jumped
Name 2-3 big ideas or themes from this story.
gang violence, regret, identity, stereotypes, judgement, death, love/longing
Why can't Andy get anyone that comes through the alley to notice him?
Because he can't speak
Why do you think Andy keeps saying that he "does not know he was dying?"
Because he refusing to accept that this is actually happening. He has been in fights before and has been hurt but never had to wonder if he was dying or not.