Revelation and Prophecy
Lives of the Imams
Moral and Ethical Conduct
Travel, Journey, Search

Identify the figurative language being used in the following verse from the Quran: 

Do you not see how God makes comparisons?

A good word is like a good tree whose root is firm

What is a Simile?


Hazrat Ali wrote this famous letter to Malik al Ashtar, the governor of Egypt in order to advise him on how to properly rule his land

What is the Ahd Document?


Judging from the Animals versus Humans debate, this key characteristic makes human beings superior to animals

What is the intellect?


One famous work that Nasir Khusraw wrote was the ---------, it was a travelogue in which he described his travels through different Muslim lands and centres.

What is the Safarnama?


This book stands at the beginning of Muslim literature. It is the source and inspiration for Muslim Literature, not only in Arabic but in all the many languages which Muslims use.

What is the Quran?


This important genre in Muslim literature comprises reports of the sayings and deeds attributed to Prophet Muhammad

What is Hadith?


Hazrat Imam Ali was appointed the "Mawla of the Believers in a special event which took place in an area known as --------- ----------

What is Ghadir Khumm?


The moral of the Qadi and the Fly story is that even the most powerful beings amoungst us have a certain -------------

What is a weakness?


This man was an astronomer, mathematician, philosopher, and religious leader whose work entitled, Contemplation and Action focuses on his search for both religious and scientific knowledge

Who is Tusi?


This form of early biographical literature means a way of going, a journey, in Arabic.

What is a Sira?


This particular hadith comprises sayings attributed by Prophet Muhammad directly to Allah. 

Hint: These are regarded by Muslims as the words of Allah expressed by Prophet Muhammad

What is Hadith Qudsi?


The main idea in Imam Sultan Muhammad Shah's philosophy of happiness is that happiness never depends on one's surroundings, rather it depends solely on ----------

What is oneself?


This Adab Literature writer composed the Essay on the Merits of Friendship

Who is Al-Jahiz?


In Farid al-Din Attar's allegory, The Conference of the Birds, the legendary Simurgh represents this divine being

Who is Allah?


This man wrote the Conference of the Birds

Who is Farid-al Din Attar?


In a Hadith, The Prophet said, "Do not wish to be like anyone except in two cases. The first is a person, whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously; the second is the one whom Allah has given ------ and he acts according to it and teaches it to others."

What is wisdom?


According to Hazir Imam's Speech at the Graduation Ceremony of the University of Alberta, Canada, "we can overcome fear of what is different," simply by practicing this important trait

What is pluralism?


In the Pandiyat-i Jawanmardi, Imam Mustansir billah emphasizes the qualities of a "Real Believer." One of those qualities has to do sharply with the golden rule. What is the Golden Rule?

What is treat others the way you want to be treated?


In the introductory poem - "The Song of the Reed," (by Rumi) the reed-flute complains about being cut from the reed-bed and longs for its origins. The reed symbolizes what?

What is the human soul's separation from its divine origins?


This man's biography of Prophet Muhammad covers his whole life and its based on reports collected about the Prophet from many sources.

Who is Ibn Ishaq?


The Muslims who had accompanied the Prophet on the hijra were called the --------- in Arabic and his helpers were called -----.

Who were the Muhajirun and Ansar?


In an Extract from The Writings of Mawlana Sultan Muhammad Shah, the Imam states that "The subject should always disappear in the object. In our ordinary affections for one another, in our daily work with hand or brain, we most of us discover soon enough that any lasting satisfaction, any contentment that we can achieve is the result of forgetting what..."

What is yourself?


The Ginan titled, "You may have filled many treasures with riches" revolves around this main idea or moral

What is the inevitability of death?


In the Ginan, "Happy and Blessed Is This Day" the Pir uses the theme of journey to Alamut as a metaphor of the murid's desire to do what? 

Hint : What did we just do in Atlanta, both physically and spiritually...

What is to meet the Imam?


The case of the animals versus humans before the king of the jinn is an allegorical fable included in a collection of writings written about a thousand years ago by a group of authors known as the -------- --  -----.

Who is the Ikhwan al-Safa?