On Track Action
On Track Action 2
Review 2

If I'm at a 4 on the Feelings Rating Scale, can I use On Track Thinking? 

a) Yes

b) No

a) Yes

It is an all the time skill


Is On Track Action a calm only skill or an all the time skill?

            a) Calm only

            b) All the time

b) All the time


You “switch tracks” when you need to use a different skill. For example, if I go over a 3 on the feelings ratings scale while using a calm only skill, I need to switch to an all the time skill. 

            a) True

            b) False

a) True


In Clear Picture, you should not observe your thoughts because they may be too challenging.

a) True

b) False

b) False

You should observe your thoughts even if they are challenging


Which is wider, the moon or Australia? 


The moon sits at 3,400 kilometers (2,113 miles) in diameter, while Australia’s diameter from east to west is almost 4,000 km (2,485 miles).


What skill does “NMA” stand for?

New Me Activities


There are times when I don’t need to give 100% to an On Track Action. For example, when I jump in with both feet, I don’t need to give 100% and can go in halfway. 

            a) True

            b) False

b) False

You give 100% to an on track action. You jump in with both feet to an on track action rather than going halfway. When one foot is on track and the other is off track, you are still doing an off track action


In On Track Action, there are times I must turn the page, let it go, and move.

            a) True

            b) False

a) True


What combination of skills helps to be in Wise Mind? 

a) New Me Activities, Expressing Myself, and Safety Plan

b) Problem Solving, Getting It Right, Clear Picture

c) Clear Picture, On Track Thinking, On Track Action

c) Clear Picture, On Track Thinking, On Track Action


What is Scotland's national animal? 

a) Dragon

b) Centaur

c) Unicorn

d) Troll

c) Unicorn

In Celtic mythology, the fictional creature is connected with both chivalry and dominance as well as purity and innocence.


What is the correct order should you do the following in: 

a) Check It, Make a Skills Plan, Take an On Track Action, Turn It Up, Cheerlead

b) Check It, Turn It Up, Cheerlead, Make a Skills Plan, Take an On Track Action

c) Turn It Up, Cheerlead, Take an On Track Action, Check It, Make a Skills Plan

b) Check It, Turn It Up, Cheerlead, Make a Skills Plan, Take an On Track Action


If I’m at a 5 on the feelings ratings scale, can I use On Track Action?

a) Yes

b) No

a) Yes

On Track Action is an all the time skill 


When I do clear picture, on track thinking, and on track action, that is called using: 

            a) Jumping in with both feet

            b) Wise mind

            c) Opposite action

b) Wise mind

Also called a 123 Skills Chain


All of the calm only skills are:

a) Clear Picture, Safety Planning, Expressing Myself, Relationship Care

b) Problem Solving, Expressing Myself, Getting It Right, Relationship Care

c) New Me Activities, Clear Picture, Safety Planning, On Track Action, On Track Thinking

c) New Me Activities, Clear Picture, Safety Planning, On Track Action, On Track Thinking


How long can sloths hold their breath under water? 

a) 40 minutes

b) 60 minutes

c) 20 minutes

d) 10 minutes

a) 40 minutes

By slowing their heart rate, sloths can actually hold their breath for 40 minutes


Explain the concept of cheerleading in On Track Thinking? If it helps your explanation, use an example.

Any phrase that motivates you to move towards your goal


Why is it important to have balance in your life? For example, balancing eating, exercise, health, work, and having fun.

When your body is in balance, you are better able to manage life and relationships better


What are the main parts of On Track Action?

a) Take a step towards my goal, jump in with both feet, opposite action, on-track action plans, accept the situation, turn the page

b) Turn the page, act on my urges, accept the situation, consult with a friend, take a step away from the situation

c) Try to fix what I can’t control, take a step towards my goal, jump in with both feet, turn the page, consult with an adult, focus on my urges

a) Take a step towards my goal, jump in with both feet, opposite action, on-track action plans, accept the situation, turn the page


“When doing on track thinking, the stronger the urge, the less I need to do Check It, Turn It Up, and Cheerleading thinking while I make and do my Skills Plan.” What is wrong with this statement?

When doing on track thinking, the stronger the urge, the MORE I need to do Check It, Turn It Up, and Cheerleading thinking while I make and do my Skills Plan.


Before toilet paper, what did Americans use? 

a) Leaves

b) Corn Cobs 

c) Tree Bark

d) Tea Bags

b) Corn Cobs

Early North American settlers used corn cobs. They were abundant, they were soft and they were easy to handle.


Name the 9 Skills System skills

Clear Picture

On Track Thinking

On Track Action

Safety Plan

New Me Activity

Problem Solving

Expressing Myself

Getting It Right

Relationship Care


In your own words, what is taking opposite action when using On Track Action?

Sometimes you have to do the opposite of off-track urges to make sure you are really on track. For example, if you feel like avoiding work, you work with 100% effort


Give an example of a time when you might have to accept the situation when using on track action?

-When you have to do things you don't want to do

-If you start fixing a problem and your feelings go above a 3

-When people say or do things to you that you don't like

-When you've done everything you can do, and have to wait for the situation to change


"I don’t want to do my homework today, I’d rather watch TV or take a nap"

-Check It: Is this thought helpful or not?

-Turn It Up: Turn your thinking to On Track Thinking.

-Cheerlead: Cheer yourself on to stay on track even when it is difficult

-Not helpful

-I need to do my homework to get good grades and get my dream job

-You can do it! Let's go!


There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long. Can you name 4? 

eye, hip, arm, leg, ear, toe, jaw, rib, lip, gum