Diversity and Equity
Online Reports
Program Structure and Curriculum
Staff Expectations
Tech Use
Radio Use

Does A+ have an Equity Commitment? 



Who writes the reports and who do you send them to?

Everyone writes them and you should send them to your site lead unless they have gone home for the day. If your site lead is gone send them to Carlee.


Should students have a say in planning?



Why is it important for staff to be engaged with students?

Builds trust and relationships with students.

Students are less likely to be bored and act out if staff are engaged.


Whose responsibility is it to make sure every student is accounted for?



What should video games be rated in order for students to play?



Can kids use the radios?



Name one of the three adjectives A+ uses to describe their environment 

Accessible, Welcoming, and Safe.


What are the three types of reports?

FYI, Behavior, and accident


The activity planner has several sections on it, name three.

Name of activity, grade level, curriculum area, supplies, equity connection, and directions. 


You are alone with a group of students and need to go to the bathroom, what should you do?

Walkie for another staff, NEVER leave the kids alone!


What is the student to staff ratio? 

1 adult to every 15 kids 


Without parent permission what should movies be rater?



What channel should your radio be on?

channel 2!


What is one of the two things we do not assume about children?

●Don’t assume the roles of parents/guardians.

●Don’t assume genders. Don’t divide activities by gender.


Can you put another students name in a report?



Which staff can lead a project or game?

Any staff!


What is a staffs job when in the gym?

Staff are to be actively participating or actively observing as a referee. If participating in the game, take a supportive role, playing at the children’s level to ensure their success and safety.


What do you do if you are out of ratio?

Walkie that you are out of ratio and ask for another staff.


There are four things staff expectations for tech, name two.

Staff should...

  • always supervise the students and  games & apps that youth are playing. 

  • not be on their own computer.

  • move throughout the space, assisting youth and making sure all games/activities are appropriate.

  • notice if students have more than one tab open and if they do, ask them to show you it.  They should only have one tab open at a time.


When is it okay to say, student's full names, special needs, specific behavior details, and that a student is missing



Which students can play with barbies and which students are allowed to play football?

Any student can play with any toy.


What type of the slang can you use when filling out the report?



You are paining turtles with a group of students, the activity planner says to use white, green, brown, and black paint. Deanna is insisting that she wants a pink turtle and now work on the turtle until she has pink. What should you do?

Kids should have input on their day and projects, if the pink paint is accessible to you let her live her life!


It is time for outside, Alyssa brings the bag of outdoor stuff outside but its her time to go home half way through outside time. When she leaves the kids are still playing with it so she isn't sure if she should bring the stuff she brought out in. What should she do?

She should let another staff know so the stuff gets cleaned up and brought inside after play time! We encourage all staff to clean up after themselves but if the students are still playing we want them to have fun with it till we go in! Team work makes the dream work!


You are lining up from outside, how should you make sure that you have all your kids?

By doing a face to name.


A student suggestion a new game a says "I swear its safe". Do you let them play? Why or why not? 

No, any new game should be looked at by a staff before kids are aloud to play.


Who has the ability to use a walkie?

 Who can hear things on the walkie?

Any staff 

Staff, Students, families, and anyone in ear shot.


What is something you can say when students are having intolerant conversations?

  • “At A+, we don’t use this language or we don’t treat our classmates this way.”


Jake is upset that Carlee has better handwriting than him and rips up Carlee's paper and throws three markers at her. Jake than says "Carlee doesn't deserve to be next to him during this choice" Should you fill out a report and if so what report? 

Yes, you should fill out a behavior for Jake and a FYI for Carlee. 


There are nine steps to leading an activity planner the team that can list the most wins the points!

1. Welcome and Greet the children 

2. Do a landing activity (this is an ice breaker or get to know you activity) 

3. State the skill or learning focus

4. Ask open ended questions

5. Equity connection

6. Explain the activity

7. Midway   check in

8. Feedback & Reflection

9. Youth Planning and Leadership


When interacting with children staff should consider their developmental level and factors that influence development. The group that can name the most factors wins the points!

  • Family structure

  • Disabilities

  • Immigration

  • Culture

  • Homelessness/poverty

  • Gender identity

  • Abuse


You do face to name and you are missing a student outside, what should you do?

Double check the playground, ask the rest of the staff you have if they know where the student is. If no one knows walkie for a SC to come and help. 


There are 7 Nos for tech, the group who can name the most wins.

  • No violence

  • No weapons

  • No swearing

  • No sexual content or innuendo

  • No online chats with people also playing the game

  • No games with inappropriate ads

  • No games that need a login/password


Its pick up time, all students are outside. Pam walkies for Jen. You can't find Jen anywhere, do you use the walkie to communicate this and if so how?

First check with all staff outside. If no one knows, you could ask for an SC or SL to come to where you are. We never say a student is missing or you can't find them over the walkie!