Name a food in each food group
Sweet, Meat, Dairy, Fruit, Vegetable, Grain
Name different types of habitats
Mountain, lake, river, ocean, beach, forest, jungle, tundra, etc.
Talk about your favorite hobbies
I like listening to books, I like to knit, etc.
Name different types of buildings
Apartment building, house, museum, hospital, school, university, store, etc.
Describe the structure of the infinitive
"to" run
Give examples of directions
Go straight, turn right/left, at the corner, by the, etc.
Describe your favorite activities/sports
I like to swim, I like to do theatre, etc.
Talk about different types of art and cultural activities
Music, museums, art, etc.
Talk about different jobs and the education required
Doctors treat sick people and need to study medicine, etc.
Name parts of speech and give examples
Noun (dog), pronoun (she), adjective (big), adverb (loudly), preposition (in), conjunction (and)
Order food at a restaurant (inlcuding booking)
Hello, table for two, I would like, I am vegetarian, the bill please, etc.
Listen to weather sounds and guess the weather (and in what habitat it could be in)
Storm, rain, sun, etc.
Timed guessing: name as many hobbies as you can in 30 seconds
Knitting, sewing, listening to books, reading, walking, swimming, etc.
Would you a [nurse] or a [teacher] > One team asks, the other responds
I would rather be a teacher because...
Describe the comparative and superlative
Com: bigger; Sup: biggest
Where would you like to travel, why, and how would you get there (what would you do, etc.)
I would like to go to X because Y and I travel by train, etc.
One team describes animals and the other team has to guess
This animal is small and furry and lives in the desert
One team describes a holiday and the other team has to guess it
Easter, Christmas, Sant Jordi, etc.
Introdcue yourself
I am X, I am # years old, I studied/I am, I like, I live in, I am from, I speak, etc.
Describe the present and present continuous
I run, I am running
Countable vs. Uncountable
a, some, any, how many, how much, a lot of, lots of, there is, there are, aren’t many, isn’t much
Name different types of clothes you'd wear depending on the season and what activities you would de
In summer (swimsuit, shorts) I swim, in autumn (sweater) and drink tea, in winter (coat, boots) and ski, in spring (dress) and smell flowers
Talk about some common Spanish holidays, maybe American ones, and differences between the countries
In Spain we the USA they celebrate...the countries are different because...
Practice booking a hotel or checking out an apartment
Hello, I would like a room for two for three nights; I am looking for an apartment with a balcony, etc.
Describe the past and the future
I walked, I will walk