These are the treatments for the side effects of chemotherapy such as nausea & vomiting, diarrhea, stomatitis, skin care, alopecia, bone marrow suppression.
What are:
For nausea & vomiting: premedicate with an antihistamine, antiemetic and IV hydration. NPO 4-6 hrs before chemo, small, frequent, well balanced meals high in calories, K, Ca, iron and protein. provide frequent mouth care, avoid food odors when cooking, keep environment clean, consider TPN or tube feeds.
Diarrhea: clear liquids and progress to low residue diet. Increase potassium and fluids. Avoid hot or cold foods, protect rectal skin area with A & D ointment, give lomotil, kaopepctate, immodium (antidiarrheals), moniter fluid & electrolyte imbalances
Stomatitis: soft tooth brushes, mouth care q 2-4 hours, viscousl lidocaine, salt & soda rinses, avoid alcohol based mouth wash, eat soft, bland foods at room temp, popsicles, remove dentures if sores are present, moisten lips with petroleum jelly
Alopecia: Cut hair, wigs, turbans, scarves. Protect the scalp from sunshine, gentle combing or brushing, gentle shampoos, tourniquet around forehead for 20 minutes before and after chemo.
Mylosuppression: Monitor Nadir, WBC, RBC/Hct/hgb & plts. Administer neupogen for decreased neutrophils and epogen (procrit, erythropoietin) for decreased RBC/Hct/Hgb. Neutropenic & bleeding precautions (review)