Principles of Cancer Development
Treatment of Cancer
Death and Dying

This is the single most important risk factor for cancer due to having reduced immunity. 

What is advancing age?


Although side effects of this treatment vary according to area exposed, acute effects of this treatment includes:  oral mucositis, acute xerostomia, esophagitis, dysphagia, and skin reactions such as erythema. 

What is radiation? 


Precautions for this side effect of chemotherapy includes: Fall prevention, using a soft bristled tooth brush, avoid enemas, Apply firm pressure to needlestick site, and apply ice to any areas of trauma.  

What is thrombocytopenia? 


Features of this disorder includes engorged blood vessels and erythema of the upper body, decreased cardiac output, AMS, low BP, pulse and urine output, cyanosis and stridor.  Death results if compression cannot be relieved.  

What is Superior Vena Cava Syndrome? 


This is an interprofessional approach to facilitate quality of life and a "good" death for patients near the end of their lives.  

What is hospice?


This is a causative factor of 30% of cancer diagnosed in North America. 

What is tobacco use? 


Nursing implications for these 2 chemotherapy drugs include:  Lifetime maximum dose, Cardiac and pulmonary toxicity, Monitoring of EF and PFT's 

What is Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide? 


This occurs most often in patients with bone metastasis.  Symptoms include: Tachycardia, skeletal pain, polyuria, N&V, dehydration, muscle weakness and loss of deep tendon reflexes. 

What is hypercalcemia?


Prevention for this complication includes monitoring the IV site hourly, instructing the patient to report any burning, stinging, or itching at the IV site. Stopping the IV infusion if any signs and symptoms of this complication is present.  

What is extravasation? 


Management of this symptom includes never withholding opioids drugs at the end of life.  Administering low doses of opioids initially with slow increases and monitoring for excessive sedation.  Consulting pharmacy or palliative care team for review of opioid orders as the patient gets closer to death.   

What is pain?


What is the classification tool used to describe the anatomic extent of cancers. 

What is TNM Classification?


This treatment causes bone marrow suppression which results in:

anemia, thrombocytopenia and leukopenia. 

What is chemotherapy? 


This diet includes protection from bacteria and harmful organisms:  Includes no fresh fruits or vegetables, Only eat cooked or canned fruits and vegetables, no raw nuts, only use pasteurized dairy products. 

What is the neutropenic diet? 


Although this complication is a positive sign of effective treatment, it results from the rapid destruction and release of tumor cells into the bloodstream.  For patients at risk for this disorder, education should include drinking at least 3 liters a day before and during treatment.  

What is tumor lysis syndrome?


This theory describes the steps of the grieving process. According to the theory, the grieving process can be felt by the patient or the family/friends of the patient when they experience some form of loss.  The grieving process can effect everyone differently, the steps are not linear, and not everyone experiences each emotion.  

What are the 5 stages of grief?

denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.


This is the mnemonic used to teach the 7 warning signs of cancer.  

What is CAUTION? 


This type of treatment often plays a part in the diagnosis and management of cancer.  Because most cancers are considered systemic diseases, few can be "cured" by surgery alone.  

What is surgery?


This is the best way to avoid the spread of infection with patients who have low WBC's.  

What is handwashing?


This disorder is a life-threatening complication frequently associated with sepsis. Interventions include: Prevent complications through early detection of sepsis, monitor closely for infection and signs of bleeding. Administer antibiotics, Administer anticoagulants in early stages, Administer cryoprecipitated clotting factors in late stages.

What is disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)?


This sign of approaching death is often called the "death rattle".  The breathing pattern becomes irregular, with brief periods of no breathing or shallow breathing.  

What is Cheyne-Stokes Respirations? 


This type of cancer prevention uses strategies to prevent the actual occurrence of cancer.  An example includes:  Avoiding exposure to known carcinogens (e.g.,) cigarette smoking, tanning beds, and sun exposure.

What is primary cancer prevention? 


Patient education for this type of treatment includes: Do not wash off skin markings, skin reactions may develop and not subside until 2-4 weeks after treatment is stopped, avoid direct sunlight to area, do not apply perfumed or medicated lotions. 

What is external radiation?


This is the period of time when a client is at the lowest at the lowest level of the neutrophil count, therefore, represents the point at which the client is at the highest risk of infection. 

What is the Nadir? 


This complication results from the increased production of ADH from cancer or chemotherapy.  Symptoms include water retention, fluid overload, weight gain, and hyponatremia.  

What is Syndrome of Inappropriate Diuretic Hormone (SIADH)? 


This treatment for agitation and terminal delirium may be caused by the adverse effects of opioids d/t the decreased kidney function and/or benzodiazepines d/t causing or worsening delirium.  

What is decreasing or stopping medications suspected of causing agitation/delirium?