History of "Treatment"
Marlboro Pyschiatric Hospital
The Man, The Author, The Legend
The Novel
This medical procedure uses a "brief electrical stimulus" to induce cerebral seizure under "controlled conditions."
What is Electro-Shock Therapy (ECT)?
This term was used by Colonial Americans to label the mentally disturbed, whom they believed to be possessed by the devil after being born under the light of a full moon.
What is a "lunatic"?
Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital was originally designed and built for a capacity of this many patients.
What is 2000?
Working this job helped to inform Kesey's writing of the novel.
What is the graveyard shift at a mental ward?
The novel is narrated by this type of character.
What is an inmate of a mental ward?
This medical procedure used an ice pick and a carpenter's hammer through the eye socket, raking back and forth over brain tissue, to destroy pre-frontal cortex connections.
What is a Lobotomy?
In the 19th century, this system of caretaking was developed to account for human rights and individualized therapy for mentally disturbed patients.
What is "Moral Management"?
The hospital at Marlboro was opened in this year.
What is 1931?
In 1959, Kesey volunteered for this type of experiment while working at his novel-inspiring job.
What are hallucinogenic drug experiments?
Kesey's novel is considered this type of literary genre.
What is a grim satire?
This man was well-known for his "Lobotomobile," delivering on-the-go trans-orbital lobotomies in large quantities.
Who is Walter J. Freeman?
This man was responsible for developing the "model plan" for the typical mental institutional structure, which consisted of a large central building and two enormous "wing" buildings where the more severely "insane" were housed in near-isolation.
Who is Kirkbride?
By 1953, these two problems gave rise to issues such as amoebic dysentery, fire hazards, tuberculosis, and serious nursing staff shortages.
What is overcrowding and under-budgeting?
Kesey voluntarily submitted himself to this type of widespread "treatment" in real-life.
What is electroshock therapy?
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is published in this year.
What is 1962?
This 1928 use of electric shock had been the "scenario of inspiration" for the development of electro-shock therapy in mental institutions.
What is the use of electrical shock to stun pigs at slaughter?
Institutionalization occurred at an especially high rate during these two decades, during which the novel is set.
What are the 1940's and 1950's?
Marlboro Psychiatric Hospital was finally closed in this year, due to a push towards deinstitutionalization.
What is 1958?
Ken Kesey was under the influence of this illicit drug as he wrote the novel.
What is LSD?
This actor plays Randall Patrick McMurphy in the 1975 film version of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Who is Jack Nicholson?
After the public shock and disgust with lobotomies and shock therapy, mental hospitals began using this type of drug to achieve the same brain-deadening effects by use of a simple pill?
What are psychotropic drugs?
Many of the treatment methods utilized in mental institutions attempted to achieve this effect when administered to those who were considered schizophrenic or out of control?
What is behavior control?
Kesey had been raised on farms in these two states.
What are the states of Oregon and Colorado?
This is the name of the place where Ken Kesey worked, which both inspired and informed his writing of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
What is Veterans' Administration Hospital.
This hospital is where the 1975 film version of the novel had been filmed.
What is Oregon State Hospital?