Context Clues
Making Inferences/ Realistic fiction

What does savings mean? Also, use it in a sentence.

Money that is saved or set aside. 


On page 12, I read about families borrowing money. What page can I reread to find out where they are getting this money from? After rereading, how are they getting the money?      

 Pg. 10, from the whole village who saves money to buy something big.


Where does the story take place?

In a village of the Ashanti region of Ghana.


What context clues can help you figure out the meaning of compost?

"made from garbage" and "fertilize"


What is realistic fiction?

A story that could happen in real life but is actually made up.


When they pay back the ______, the Duodu family borrows the money to buy a second-hand sewing machine.


  1. What page can I reread to find out why Kojo has not been able to go to school? Why has Kojo not been able to go to school? 

Pg. 16, They did not have enough money for the fees and uniform.


What happens on the first day after Kojo makes a nest for his hen?

He finds nothing.


What context clues can help you figure out the meaning of transport?

"rent the cart to people who need transport"


Realistic fiction tells a story with characters that are like people you might know in real life. What makes Kojo and Adika realistic? 

They seem like real people from a real town wth real challenges or problems in life.


How much did you ________ after you ran your lemonade stand for a week?



What page can you find that the children in the town have enough to eat, go to school, and stay healthy? How do you know?

pg. 21 because Kojo gave everyone jobs on his farm and they help each other to live.


After one year, what has happened to Kojo because of the one hen he bought?

"Kojo built of his flock to 25 hens."


What is the meaning of the word fees in the second paragraph on page 16?

dues for something


How can you tell that Kojo is smart?

He buys a hen and gets money and buys more hens. Also, he graduates from college to learn how to farm better.


What does wages mean? Use it in a sentence.

Payments for work done.


What page does it talk about Kojo's mom buying something? When it’s Kojo and his mother’s turn to borrow money, what do they do first? 

She uses the money to buy a cart. Pg. 12


Over time, what happens to Kojo’s farm?

His farm grew to become the largest in West Africa.


What context clues tells us what clucking and skittering mean on page 16?

"the sound of chickens"


How can you tell that Kojo is becoming successful?

He has a bigger and bigger farm.


What does scarce mean? Use it in a sentence.

Difficult to get or find.


What does Kojo do after he finishes college? What page is it located on?

pg. 18, He goes to the bank to get a loan for his farm.


At the end of the story, what happens to Kojo at the end of the story?

He becomes very successful and a proud grandfather.

What context cues help you know what an "agricultural college" is on pg. 17?

Farming school


What are some things that Kojo does or says that show you he is a realistic character? Give examples

He wants to go to school and work hard, he also gets married and has a family.