1. Why was one thousand dollars so much trouble for Richard?
He didn't know what to do with it. He could live like a prince and have fun for some weeks only. After that he would have lost his job and have no more money to live on.
Complete the sentence with much, many, or a lot (of).
How______ pocket money do you get every week?
Read the question and the answer. Is this answer correct or incorrect? If it is incorrect, what is the correct answer?
What did Richard tell Miss Hayden about his uncle's will? Why did he say it?
Is this answer right or wrong: He said that his uncle had left her $1,000 and Mr Tolman had told him to give her the money. He did it because he wanted to do what Old Bryson had recommended doing and because he loved her.
The answer was correct.
Add suffixes to make adjectives
-ant, -al, -ish, -able, -ous
Miss Hayden was left _____beside the ring and 10 dollars.
What did Miss Hayden look like?
She was slender and dressed in black. She had beautiful eyes.
Complete the sentence with much, many, or a lot (of).
Did _____ students in your class have a summer job?
Read the question and the answer. Is this answer correct or incorrect? If it is incorrect, what is the correct answer?
What else did Richard say to Miss Hayden?
He said that he didn't like her.
Wrong: He said that he loved her.
Add suffixes to make adjectives
-ant, -al, -ish, -able, -ous
Miss Hayden was wearing ______clothes.
What did Old Bryson recommend doing with the money?
He recommended giving the money to some poor person and then forgetting about it.
Complete the sentence with much, many, or a lot (of).
I earned quite ____ during the two weeks as a newspaper boy.
a lot
Read the question and the answer. Is this answer correct or incorrect? If it is incorrect, what is the correct answer?
What did Richard write on the note?
He wrote that he had given the golden ring to the best and dearest woman in the world, for all the happiness she brings to people.
He wrote that he had given the money to the best and dearest woman in the world, for all the happiness she brings to people.
Make a noun from the verb:
Miss Hayden's face went ____when she got the money.
Who did Richard share the funny situation with?
He shared it with a man he called Old Bryson.
_______ kids these days get too _____ freedom.
A lot of, much.
Read the question and the answer. Is this answer correct or incorrect? If it is incorrect, what is the correct answer?
Where did Richard go after visiting Miss Hayden? Why did he go there?
He went home to rest.
He went back to the law offices to give Mr Tolman his note.
Make a noun from the verb:
Richard said he ____ Mary
Who else did the rich uncle leave something to? What did they get?
His servants and Mary Hayden got a ring and $10 each.
Why buy so _______ toys for little Tommy? He's got ______ stuff he's never even touched.
many; a lot of / much
Read the question and the answer. Is this answer correct or incorrect? If it is incorrect, what is the correct answer?
What did Mr Tolman do before reading Richard's note?
He opened the envelope Richard's uncle had given to him before he died. There was a letter to Richard. Mr Tolman read it out to Richard.
He opened the envelope Richard's uncle had given to him before he died. There was a letter to Richard. Mr Tolman read it out to Richard.
Make a noun from the verb:
Mr Tolman didn't ____Richard's envelope.
touch / open