Characters and Setting
Plot Details
Character Relationships
Themes and Motifs
Inferences and Predictions

What is the name of the main character in the story?

Tom Walsh


Why does Tom like to move south in the winter?

Because life is easier in the sun and northern Europe can get very cold.


How do Tom and the two girls first start talking?

Tom greets them when they come into his carriage, and they start a conversation.


What is a major theme of the story related to Tom’s lifestyle?

The theme of freedom and adventure through traveling.


Why might Tom have been chosen for the police check?

The story implies that the large amount of money in his bag and possibly his appearance led to his selection by the police.


Where does Tom travel to after Venice?



How long does the train journey from Trieste to Sofia take?

A day and a half


How does Tom feel about Melanie and Carol after they meet?

He likes them and enjoys talking and laughing with them.


What does the presence of the large amount of money in Tom's bag symbolize?

It symbolizes unexpected trouble and a dramatic turn of events in Tom's journey.


What can we infer about Tom’s future plans after the end of the story?

Tom is likely to continue his adventurous lifestyle and might eventually travel to Australia with Boris once he gets out of prison.


Which city do Melanie and Carol come from?

Los Angeles, USA


What does Tom discover in his bag when the police stop him?

A large amount of US dollars


What do Melanie and Carol plan to do after leaving Bela Palanka?

They plan to go to Sofia and meet Tom at the Hotel Marmara.


How does the story explore the concept of trust?

Tom trusts Melanie and Carol, but this trust is betrayed when they leave him with the money in his bag, leading to his detention.


What might happen when Tom meets Boris after prison?

They might travel together, starting a new adventure in Australia.


In which country does Tom get stopped by the police?



What do Melanie and Carol do when they find out Tom is low on money?

They offer to buy him a meal and take him to the best restaurant in Sofia.


How do Melanie and Carol help Tom after he mentions he is low on money?

They offer to buy him a meal and take him to a good restaurant in Sofia.


What role does the train play in the story?

The train symbolizes Tom's journey and the changing circumstances of his adventure.


Why do you think the police were so quick to suspect Tom of smuggling?

He was a young traveler with long hair, which made him seem suspicious.


What is the name of the hotel where Melanie and Carol plan to meet Tom?

Hotel Marmara


What ultimately happens to Tom's train?

The train leaves without him while he is detained by the police.


What is Tom's reaction when the police find the money in his bag?

He is shocked and insists that the money is not his and that he has never seen it before.


How does the story use the concept of "meeting interesting people"?

It highlights how Tom's encounters with different people shape his experiences and ultimately lead to unexpected consequences.


Do you think Tom will ever see Melanie and Carol again? Why or why not?

Probably not, as they successfully framed him and moved on without any consequences.