Do's or Dont's
What can you do?
What's Appropriate?
Keep Out Of It!!
Someone asks you for your home address?
What is don't tell him!
Someone is getting bullied online! What can you do?
What is stand up for the victim and report the user who is bullying.
Is posting online pictures of others without their consent appropriate
What is it is not, pictures of others online always need to be asked permission of from the people in it.
Someone trys to be your friend but you do not know them outside of online
What is do not friend him he may be a predator
Someone trys to drag you into drama on Facebook and you have no part in it
What is get out of it and don't get involved, if you have to blockk the user.
Post your current location and have your local-based location on like 'FindAGirl'
What is do not! people can easily follow and stalk you.
someone is bullying you online.
What is do not respond to him and either report him or block him
you post an appropriate photo of yourself
What is that is appropriate.
a app wants your location
What is refuse it, stalkers can easily stalk you when your location is being given.
people are trying to harass you online
What is block them and report them and ignore qany future messages coming from them
turn on your privacy settings and keep all your posts friends only
What is that is very appropriate
someone has hacked your account
What is change your password as soon as possible and try to delete all that they posted and/or change back all your privacy settings.
having your home address and where you work online
What is not qappropriate. that can get people to easily be able to rob you or kidnap you and stalk you
an app wants to access your hard drive and sms
What is do not allow it or don't get the app at all. it could hack your computer and/or send sms to service providers.
what if someone wants you to meet them outside of facebook
What is do not agree to and if you do not know them outside of facebook consider if you should unfriend them.
tell the world how old you are
What is do not. if a predater knows you are about 14 that is prime suspect for them. they will hunt down your every move until the perfect time.
someone is trying really hard to be your friend and you keep on telling them no. how do you get them to stop doing this
What is facebook will have a pop up if you know that person outside of facebook and if you say no then they will block that person from you
having posts of you drunk or you thinking about cheating
What is a big no. you can get into serious trouble for that stuff and when future employers see that they will not be happy.
People are talking bad about you behind your back
What is ignore it.
People are getting into fights on Facebook
What is keep out of it, if you get into one of them you are at risk for getting into trouble
Watch your online reputation and only post good things, keep your personnal life offline
What is a do.
A boss looks at your online profile?
What is you can do pretty much nothing but make sure your profile is clean and has nothing bad on it.
you being clean on facebook and watching your online reputation
What is that is a big appropriate. you need to do this, it is very healthy.
You get in trouble for something you did not do on Facebook
What is tell an adult and make sure they know you did not do that
What happens if you end up getting hacked and someone posts bad things on your Facebook.
What is tell an adult and make sure the posts are deleted.