A piece of technology that can be used to contact people that's typically carried around with people everywhere.
What is a (cell) phone?
This is a game that can be played with friends, or random people online. It includes crewmates, and at least one imposter.
What is Among Us?
A stranger messages you through the video game you're playing online and asks you for your phone number. They say they are *your age* and would like to become friends with you. Should you give them your phone number?
No. Being online, you have no idea who this person is, what they look like, or if they are truly your same age. It is not a SAFE idea to give them your number.
This is the place where you go to learn.
What is CRE/School?
This is who you identity as, or what people should call you, and is also typically given to you by your parents.
What is (my Full) Name?
An app/a website that is most commonly used to send online mail.
What is Gmail?
This is a social media app that is used to post videos. It has a "For You Page", a friends page, and can also be used to buy things.
What is TikTok?
A person you've been gaming with online, and speaking to through your headset, says they'd like to hang out some time. You've been playing games with this person online for months, and feel as though you know them pretty well and trust their intentions. Should you hang out with them?
No. Even if you've built an online friendship, you don't actually know if this person is truly who they say they are, and it's not the SAFE decision to make.
To keep your devices locked, you set up a username and a...?
What is Password?
This is the general place you live, but isn't your address.
What is Broomfield or Colorado?
Technology that is used to play video games that requires a controller.
What is a Play Station (any generation), or Xbox (any generation)?
This game teaches you how to make different items, and allows you to build a world to your liking. You can play in different modes such as survival, and creative.
What is Minecraft?
You've been talking to someone on social media for a few weeks. You know they go to your friend's school, and you've built a good friendship with them. They ask to hang out with your friend and the rest of your group sometime soon. Should you invite them to hang out with you and your friend group?
Yes. This decision is a safe decision because your friend knows them from their school, and knows they are who they say they are. You also are hanging out in a big group making it more SAFE.
This is something your parents would use to buy things. You may also have one yourself.
What is a credit/debit card?
These are the general name for activities you like to do in your free time.
What are hobbies?
This is a device also used for video games, but requires a desktop set-up, a keyboard, and a mouse.
What is a (gaming) PC?
An app used to communicate through pictures.
What is SnapChat?
You get a friend request from someone you go to school with, but when you look at their account, it seems that someone stole their information and created a fake account. They message you telling you their other account was hacked, and this is truly them. They'd like to get your phone number. Do you say yes?
No. You aren't 100% sure this is the person you go to school with, as they had a different account and this one seems fake. It wouldn't be a SAFE decision to give them your phone number.
This is the information that tells you where you live/where your house is located. It's also information you should only be giving to people who you know are safe and trustworthy.
What is an address?
You're being asked about whether you like the piano or the keyboard more; these are examples of?
What are instruments?
These are used in school almost everyday, and the older kids have their own.
What are Chromebooks?
A video game that, similar to Minecraft, lets users create worlds, do things like obstacle courses, teach concepts like coding and STEM. It also allows users to share their experiences and is considered a social game.
What is Roblox?
You've been SnapChatting with a friend from school and they ask you to hang out. They've only been messaging in chat and haven't sent any pictures of their face. Feeling unsure, you ask if you could see their face first to be sure it's them, and they suddenly get upset. Should you hang out with them?
No. It's alarming that they got upset about showing you their face, and you want to make sure you'll be hanging out with them and not a stranger. You should confirm with them at school that it's truly them you've been chatting with and make a decision from there.
This is what allows people to text or call your phone, and can be used for things like spam/scams.
What is (phone) number?
You start talking to someone about random things, and they ask you if you prefer basketball or football; these are examples of what?
What are sports?