Grab Bag
Random Library Questions
This is an online collection of encyclopedias and journal articles that are available for free to Ohio Students and are edited for reliability.
What is InfOhio?
To be reliable is to be this.
What is trustworthy, dependable, or honest?
Your identity is made of how you see yourself and this.
What is how others see you?
This section contains books for new or young readers.
What is the Easy Picture Book Section?
To threaten or mistreat someone online is called this.
What is Cyberbullying?
Because this website is written by users, the information you find here might not always be accurate.
What is Wikipedia?
Use this to talk to others online, but be careful what you say! Others could print or email your conversations!
What is Skype, IM, or chat?
This is located on the spine of the book and tells you where the book is located on the shelf. It is the book's address!
What is the Call Number?
This refers to the marks you leave behind whenever you visit a website, post a photo, or create a profile online.
What is your Digital Footprint?
To use a website for a research paper, it is important that the author is an _____________ on the subject.
What is an expert?
If you are online and receive one of these from someone you do not know, do not open it or delete it. Instead, show it to your parents.
What is and email?
The call number for fiction books, starts with these three letters.
What is FIC?
This website was created by teachers to show their students how easy it is to put something false or misleading online.
What is All About Explorers?
The creator of a reliable website will include this so that users can get in touch with them to make suggestions and ask questions.
What is contact information, email address, or phone number?
Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter are all examples of this type of network
What is a social network?
This gentleman invented the categorization method used in most school libraries.
Who is Melvile Dewey?
Do be sure the facts on a website are correct you should do this.
What is check another source or use multiple sources?
Found at the bottom of most websites, it lets you know if a website is being maintained regularly and the year it was last updated.
What is the copyright date?
Use these to make sure strangers and others cannot see your personal pages.
What are privacy settings?
This is used to search for books in the library electronically.
What is the Catalog, CAT, or Online Catalog?