Privacy Art
Santa Baby
Loose Ends

Your password should always contain a combination of these things.

What are letters and numbers.


Secure websites will begin with what combination of letters?

What is https?


In their 1983 hit, The Police were doing what while singing about every breath you take and every move you make?

What is "watching you"?


Santa collects this data about you every year.

What is if you have been bad or good (or naughty or nice)?


You can be at risk of this kind of fraud if you store your credit card information online.

What is identity?


Using a random string of characters for your password will make it harder for you to remember but it will also make it harder for a person to do this.

What is guess.


Many online services will only allow you to connect via what kind of connection.

What is secure?


Who said "Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say"

Who is Edward Snowden?


Information Santa needs so that he can deliver your presents.

What is your address?


Even if you're not prone to losing your phone or laptop, it's good to keep it protected by either of these two things.

What is PIN or password?


This tool may assist users to manage their passwords.

What is a password manager.


True or False? your online identity is at risk when you are connected to public wi-fi.

What is True?


A 1998 American action-thriller film in which a congressman is assassinated to assure the passage of new surveillance legislation

What is Enemy of the State?


Santa uses this type of system to monitor when you are sleeping or awake.

What is surveillance?


In addition to storing files on a cloud-based service, you should also use this kind of drive to back up your files.

What is external?


To make your password stronger, you should include these types of letters in your password.

What are uppercase?


This type of identification requires not only a password, but also a second method to identify the user

What is two-factor?


George Orwell's classic novel that depicts a totalitarian society where the government watches its citizens.

What is 1984?


Following a recent data breach, Santa stated that the attackers likely gained access to the 'naughty or nice' list through this type of malicious email that offered an unnamed elf a gift card from Amazon.

What is phishing?


Experts recommend you backup your files once per

a. day

b. week

c. month

d. year

What is 'b'?


To maintain online privacy and security, you should not use this type of password across multiple websites.

What is the same?


Experts suggest that when creating a security question, you should not provide the ______ answer to the question

What is correct?


An American drama thriller television series starring Rami Malek as Elliot Alderson, a cybersecurity engineer by day and hacker by night.

What is Mr Robot?


When playing on-line games, Santa recommends that the reindeer don't reveal their ________ names.

What is real?


Internet Cookies are:

a. The same as browser bookmarks

b. Delicious

c. Text packets stored on your computer by websites

d. Illegal

What is 'C'?