What's the difference between an autobiography and a biography?
Written by the actual person vs. written by another person.
What is an autobiography?
A story about a persons life told by that person.
"a piece of cake"
something is very easy
Europe: Germany :: _______ : China
What does the prefix "re-" mean?
to do again
What is sensory language? Name all 5 types.
taste, touch, smell, sound, and sight
What is a story about someone's life told by someone else?
"It's raining cats and dogs"
it's raining heavily
Vehicle: car :: appliance : _______
(any home appliance)
What part of speech does the suffix -tion indicate?
What divides sections of writing in a journal or diary?
The date/time
What is a short autobiographical account of a single event or focus in someone's life?
Personal narrative
"feeling blue"
Feeling sad
anger : emotion :: _____ : facial expression
frown / smile / laugh / etc...
What is the term used for what's left if all affixes are removed?
root word
What's the difference between sequencing order and chronological order?
Sequencing means the order of events (first, second, then, finally...)
Chronological means when they happened in time. (Yesterday, last year, in January...)
What type of biography would you find on websites like Wikipedia that give a brief overview of someone's life?
Biographical essay
"Don't cry over spilled milk"
To get upset over something small or unimportant
warm: hot :: ____ : hilarious
What does the prefix "sub-" mean?
What does the word "iconic" mean, according to the ASL article we read?
Using a visual image that looks like the concept it represents. For example, the signs for "deer" and "eat."
What type of autobiography always gives cultural and/or historical context?
A memoir
"I'm all ears"
I'm listening. (can be sarcastic)
_____: trail :: grain : grail
5. (anti, dis, ment, arian, ism) The root word is "establish"