Can the internet be a helpful place to get information but also be dangerous?
Yes, it can help you find information and connect with people but if you are not careful, it can be dangerous
Should you share you cellphone number with random people who ask for it?
NO! Unless you really know the person you should not give out your phone number.
Cyberbullying can't happen just over text.
Wrong cyberbullying is any kind of mean or hurtful things being done over the internet.
Should you share your address with people you meet online?
No, you do not know who these people really are or what their intentions are.
A random person adds you on snapchat and says they think you are cute and would love to see more pictures of your face. Should you send them pictures?
No, they could be trying to get photos of you for bad reasons
What are some ways to communicate with people on the internet?
texting, emailing, DMs, video calls, social media, pictures, etc.
Should you text or call a stranger on the internet who gives you their phone number?
You see someone has made an account on Instagram making fun of your classmate. You do not personally know them, what should you do?
Report the account and tell an adult about what you have seen. If possible get screenshots of the account to show them.
Is it okay to share your passwords with your very best friend?
No, you should only share your password with your parents or trusted adult family memeber
You make an Instagram, should you put your account on private?
Yes, this can help to keep you safe and allow you to control who can and cannot see your feed.
This app deletes everything after you send it and there is no way to get it back.
A website askes you for you phone number to enter a "free give away" Should you give them your number?
No, you should not put in a phone number into something you are not sure is safe.
You see a post on SnapChat from someone in your class and send it to your friend saying that they look funny. You have done this multiple times. Is this cyberbullying?
Yes, even though you are not saying it directly to that person you are still doing a repeated action with the intention to hurt their feelings.
No, some people pretend to be other people online and it is dangerous.
You are on an Online gaming groupchat and someone asks you to join a private video call. You don't know this person, should you join?
No, they could be up to something. You should report them to the server and have them investigate.
You can access any website online and nothing dangerous can happen.
Wrong, there are some websites that are dangerous and are not reliable.
Once you delete things from your phone there is no way to get them back.
False, actually very few things are able to be completely erased from the electronic world.
Just because I see something mean happening to someone online doesn't mean it is my problem.
Wrong, if you see something mean happening to someone it is your job as a person to speak out about it. Even on the internet you do not want to be a bystander when someone is being bullied.
I take a picture and post it on Instagram with my house in the background and my City tagged, is this protecting my personal information?
No, someone could see your house number or recognize your neighborhood and figure out where you live. It is best to not post anything that shows to much of your personal information such as house, neighborhood, or contact information.
I've been dming @imacoolguy on Instagram for 3 weeks. We are now best friends even though I don't know what he looks like. He wants to move to talking on snapchat because its more "private" should I?
No, snapchat is a dangerous place to be talking to strangers because many people believe that the things you send "disappear" which is not true. If you do not know them in real life, you should not be talking to them online.