Power of Passwords
Social Media Savvy
Scam Alert
Digital Footprint Pot Pourri

Passwords should contain at least 8 charachters, upper case and lower case letters, as well as....

What is a number or special character?


Never accept friend requests from these people.

Who are people you don't know in real life?


An email containing realistic looking information, pretending to be a company or individual you are familiar with, in order to bait you into clicking on a link or sending money is called this. 

What is phishing?


When does your online information disappear?

What is never?


Passwords that contain your name or birthday, ABC..., 123... or the word "password" are...

What is easy to guess?


Your address, birthday, school, and full name are examples of this type of information you should never share.

What is personal information?


Smishing is like a phishing message, but instead of appearing in an email, it uses this other message type. 

What is a text message?


Unless you use this in each online account, anyone can see anything you post online. 

What are privacy settings?


Because it is longer, this is better to use than a single pass WORD.

What is a pass phrase?


As in real life, you should always treat others online with this. 

What is respect?


Before acting on any urgent message request, do this. 

What is pause and think it through?


Before posting something online, pretend this relative is reading it. Would she approve? 

Who is your grandmother? 


By doing this, if the password for your email account is discovered, hackers will not be able to access your social media or banking accounts.

What is using a different password for each online account?


Quizzes and surveys in social media are designed to do this. 

What is to gather personal information to guess answers to your security questions?


Do this before clicking on a any link in a message. 

What is investigate the URL/web address associated with the link?


Besides old friends, your social media posts might be "stalked" by these organizations. Will it ruin your plans for advancement?

Who are colleges or future employers?


This second step to signing in is more secure than just using a password or pass phrase. 

What is multi-factor authentication?


If a post is urging you to copy or share, or contains statements that make you feel strongly about it, such as angry or sad, it is most likely...

What is untrue?


As a rule, do this instead of clicking on links in a message from a company you recognize or do business with.

What is open the company's website in your browser, not by using the link in the message?


Use this on your mobile device or computer  to protect your online activity and accounts from other users on a shared network or WiFi.

What is a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?