Is that Real?
What Can I Post Online?

It is not smart to have the same _______ for multiple websites 



Everything you see online is true/real, even videos and pictures

False, the internet is an amazing place, but it is also very easy to fake photos and videos and lie online 


My parents left for the weekend and I am home alone, should i post that fact on facebook?

No! just in case, you never want to post any information that puts you at risk, what if someone wanted to rob your house and now knows the parents are gone??


Can you cyberbully someone in person?

No, cyber-bullying is defined as online harassment through social media, emails, texting, and online communication


Google is worth how much money, as of October 2019

300 Billion Dollars!

(That means they could buy 6000 jet planes, and still have money left over for a shiny new Tesla)


If I delete something i tweet, that means it's gone forever (T/F)


Social media and data collection companies save everything you tweet! Even if you delete it they can still bring it back, be smart about what you write online!


After posting on Facebook during class, Courtney got suspended for a week. (T/F)

False, she might not have gotten suspended but her phone might be taken away, you shouldn't use your phone during class!


I took a picture of Tim and me, I look really good in it but Tim does not like it, can i still post it?


Tim has the right to say he does not want a photo of himself posted, and you need peoples permission to post a photo of them


Someone is messaging me very mean things, I think they are cyber bullying me, what are some correct things i should do? (Name one)

Tell your parents, Block them, Tell a teacher, Report them on the website they used (like facebook),


T/F Twitters blue bird logo is actually named Larry

True! he is named after the legendary basketball Celtic, Larry Bird


John just asked for my fortnite password to use my account, he is really good and I want my account to have a higher rank, should i give it to him?


passwords are there for our safety, when you log in with your password you are confirming this is YOU, what if john gets your account banned for cheating and you lose all your skins?? The only people you should share passwords with are your parents.


It is not uncommon for people to lose their job over mean or inappropriate social media posts (T/F)

True! many employers follow their employees on social media, And can fire you over some posts!


Congratulations! You've won a free Ipad! All you have to do is give a website your home address, cellphone number, and social security!

Should you give this information to them?


These "FREE STUFF" giveaways are scams, they use this information to get steal identities and get into peoples bank accounts!

Someone is sending me very mean messages online, i think they are cyberbullying me! what should i NOT do? 

Do not reply!!! never engage with someone who is cyber bullying you, the best action is to tell an adult


(T/F) A good rule of thumb when posting online is to ask yourself "Would I let my grandma see this?"


sometimes when we post we are only thinking about that one person we want to read our tweet, but we have to remember anyone might see it! Asking yourself if you would let your Gram-Gram read this can help keep your tweets safe for posting


It is okay to add someone I don't know on facebook since they sent me a friend request 

no! you should not add anyone you do not know on any social media, especially ones like facebook which have a lot of personal information on them


T/F There is high speed internet at the top of mount everest

True! internet is provided across the entire mountain so climbers can check for severe weather updates, or just look at memes while they hike


When I set my account to private, I can post anything I want without worrying, T/F

False! social media can change their settings at any time and they keep everything you post, so you still need to be smart about what you post


T/F people sometimes bully others online because they think no one can tell it is them

True, the internet seems to offer anonymity (no one can know who you are) but upon request, authority figures like police can still find out your real name


Name your favorite thing to do online

anything can be the right answer, pintrest, games, reading, browsing, the internet has a ton of fun things to do as long as you are staying safe!

Why shouldn't you use the same password for every website you have an account on?

If someone finds out one of your passwords, they could log into all of your accounts!


T/F 50% of all emails sent online are spam

False! actually over 70% of the 204 million emails sent EVERY MINUTE are spam!


You and your friend come across an empty beer bottle, your friend thinks it would be really funny to take a picture holding it, like you just drank it. It this photo okay to post?

no! even if you did not actually drink it, the photo makes it seem like you were underage drinking which can have serious consequences for your future


T/F Cyber bullying has just as real consequences as normal bullying, including being kicked off sports teams, suspension, and legal punishments

True, cyber bullying is treated just as severely as real bullying


The average facebook visit lasts for about how long? (50 Bonus points if you ALSO GET CORRECT how many times people check facebook per day)

10 minutes long 10 times a day!